Apr 01, 2009 10:53
It seems the tourists are back again today.
I think I make the same Network entry every time there's such a flood of people. I've forgotten how many times this has happened now--at least four or five times, and perhaps more than that. Exciting as it is at first, it gets exhausting after five minutes of it. The fact that I haven't learned to stay away from the Network entirely--both the Network and the windows, since it seems there are a few people standing below mine and they seem to be watching for me--probably proves how much of a fool I am.
Or how much I like the attention, some would say.
Either way, I'm not going to be going out today.
It seems like a very pleasant day to spend indoors reading--even if I've already read most everything I have here. One can always reread things, of course. And there's always the Network to read. And the Network is very impressive today.
If you need me, you actually don't. If the cafe is desperate for my help, send for me, but I'd like to avoid being trampled.
[Private || Unhackable || Probably Viewable to 4th Wall Visitors]
Megumi, I'd wanted to speak to you about this past curse, everything that happened in it, what it might mean--I've a thousand things I want to speak with you about. But I think they might best wait until the visitors have gone home again. I saw how they fairly fell on you. I think today will be busy for all of us, but I do want to speak to you as soon as I can.
[//end private filter]
[ooc: Hit me with everything you've got. I am ready, my schedule is clear, and my inbox is robust.]