it's like this

May 21, 2008 13:00

We're on a bus. The bus is on a steep 20-month-long hill. At the end of the hill is a brick wall. Under the floor of the bus is plumbing. The access panels to the plumbing are covered by ratty old seats. There's a helicopter chasing the bus. Dangling from the helicopter is a hook holding a thousand-gallon tank of jet fuel. There are pickup trucks chasing the bus. In the back of the pickup trucks are new cushy seats. Further down the hill, lining the road the bus is careening down, are cannons, one per seat in the bus. Inside each cannon is a daredevil wearing an entirely inadequate helmet. Inside the bus is our team, and a bunch of tools, and a bunch of parts.

So really there's only one course of action to consider. We have to unmount the old seats, throw them out the windows, build the jet engines, mount them on the sides of the bus (making sure they're low enough to not block the windows), get the fuel tank installed and plumbed, then get the new seats in place before we reach the cannons, sequence the cannon fire so that the daredevils all hit their designated cushy seats, and start the engines just in time to clear the brick wall at the end.

No problem. We do it every couple of years.

peaching: what's your current ground speed?
misterborogove: we're doin about 75!
peaching: not bad
misterborogove: we sent some guys ahead to build a ramp just before the brick wall
misterborogove: but that unfortunately means they aren't doing anything about the potholes
misterborogove: we'll worry about the positioning of the shark tank after we clear the wall
peaching: ok cool
peaching: wait, laser sharks?
misterborogove: we could only afford those little tiny laser pointer pens, but yeah, we strapped friggin lasers to their friggin heads
peaching: PHEW
peaching: ok

crunchtime, work

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