[Open Commentlog]

Oct 21, 2011 19:17

[The voices are getting to him. He's trying to pretend like they aren't, but it's harder to pretend like everything's okay when he can't ignore the voices of people he's left behind, telling him it's not. Bobby'd shifted into his ice form, wanting the distance being made of ice helped him with.

But he can still hear the voices. And he knows what stops them - or at least, one method of stopping them - but after watching his brother's pumpkin "die," he doesn't want to do it again. He will, though, because he doesn't know how else to make them stop. So he's out in the hallways and around the keep, looking for particular pumpkins and then standing in front of them, staring.

He'd meant to just psych himself up, ready himself for what he knows is coming when he takes the pumpkins off their stakes, but with them right there in front of him, talking to him, he can't help but reply. ("You can't blame - what you want to me to forgive isn't what needs to be forgiven!" to Rogue, "You're an ass, you're the one who betrayed me - us" to John, "No, I'd never have - leaving wasn't my choice" to others.) There's also a whole lot of apologies mixed in there.

Eventually, he takes the pumpkin off the stake, doing his best to ignore its scream, and stays with it until it's done 'dying'. Then he's moving on to the next one.]

(Feel free to come across him at any point, either when he's talking to pumpkins, or when he's actually gotten to the killing part! He'll be doing this with John, Kitty, Pete, and Rogue's pumpkins, (Jean and Ororo will get talking, but no death, out of consideration for Scott) so if you want to run across him with a particular one, go ahead!)

commentlog, ice time, do not want

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