There was so much that was great about this episode I feel a bit overwhelmed. Its so exciting to see the show lift its game once again. No time for a proper reaction post tonight, but here's a link to the tweets from the cast and crew who live tweeted during the episode -
You can read them here.
Lots of great BTS tidbits in there - especially the bit about Jared having developed the character of Ezekiel BEFORE Tahmoh was cast! I would love to know what its like for Jensen acting with Jared as Ezekiel. I remember him talking a lot about how hard it was when Jared was playing souless Sam, and I wonder if this is different, in that Ezekiel is a different character to Sam? Something that will hopefully get asked at CHiCon.
Pic from Director Guy Bee of Jery Wanek and a mockup of the set