and then there were none....

Mar 05, 2011 16:08

okay - who out there DIDN'T stick a finger in your ear at least once during that episode?

fucka duck but that was some awesome TV. Wonderful balance of plot and character - something which is a mark of this season.


always hated those motherfuckers.

Families. It all comes back to families. And while I want to flail about many things. OMG SAM AND DEAN IN THIS EPISODE!!!!! The "Sam take Dean for a walk", Dean stepping between Samuel and Sam, shouting for each other through the door, on Sam's phone is dean just "D"?, Sam MANHANDLING Dean out of the booby trap, synchronised door kicking, "why do you keep talking about herpes?", all the looks that where they just know what the other is thinking. Dean giving Bobby and Sam his unconditional love. I wonder if he can be so generous to himself?

Just coz your blood, doesn't make you family. You gotta earn that.

So fucking tense this week. Kudos to director Mike Rohl who's not one of the directors I know much about but he does kickarse work. great set, loved all the buildup of tension. The whole point that noone could trust anyone in this situation. Even Dean can't trust Sam. Truly disturbing. Loved the score too.

BTW this was the episode where all the cast and crew - except Jared - had diabolical colds during filming.

The deaths were all so shocking and sudden. I was gutted to see Rufus go - all his scenes were just gold. But the talent of the Supernatural writer's is in creating minor characters that we really connect to. Also - Rufus was Jewish!!

I also liked Rufus NOT forgiving Bobby for Omaha. That's the normal trope, and I love that as usual SPN prefers to go down the more emotionally complex route.

I'm wondering if there was some symmetry in who killed who? Dean kills Gwen - she was the loyal soldier, following the patriarch trying to please him, not questioning too much - dean as he used to be with John?

Sam kills Samuel - his namesake, and a man who did dark things, although he had a soul when he did them. Of course this is particularly shocking - Sam isn't "possessed" and while he obviously thinks Samuel might be, the fact that he shoots him without hesitation gave me chills.

And of course Bobby kills Rufus, the man who made him a hunter, his mentor and friend, they were mirrors of each other, but also something of the role Bobby has with Sam and Dean.

I am glad we have a break until April 15th. We may only have six episodes left and I am not ready for this ride to be over!

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