
Jun 12, 2010 19:40

Notes from the live stream of the J2 panel at Rising Con in Barcelona by @purplehew

Check the Super Wiki Rising Con page for links to reports

All care and no responsibility in regard to these notes as I couldn’t always catch the audio clearly. As usual there seemed to be a lot of dolphins at the Con. Also this is out of order.

• Jared has allergies and is anti-histamines and so is sweaty.
• Jared said he and Gen went to Germany and Switzerland after the Rome Con. Jensen said he went to Dallas and got married. He then went to New York and then honeymooned in Akron, Ohio. Jared - did you go farming? (MJ-I am assuming the Ohio comment was a crack in-joke. I mean no offense but OHIO?)
• Couple of character questions - is Sam a bad boy and something about Dean having an “apple pie life” which Jensen said “what show are you watching?” and “there was no dessert going on there - well maybe some pie. Dean likes pie.”
• They confirmed the Supernatural Anime. They have even been consulted on the artwork for Sam and Dean. Jensen thought it was awesome “but can’t Dean have broader shoulders.” They said they would do the voices for the first few episodes.
• They talked about first Cons - Jensen reminisced about the flying fangirl at first Asylum - scary but hilarious. Jared’s was one in LA (Grand Slam SciFi Con and he talked about how his was on after some actors from LOST and when he came on everyone was O.o and he was [small voice] I’m on this show called Supernatural. Then Jensen interjected “and who’s show is still on the air now?”
• I think the question was about guilty pleasures regarding TV. Jared described the scene with Sam watching porn in CSPWDT and how Kripke put that in just to see if he could get away with it. Both guys said they find it hard to watch dramas, they look for things different than what they do.
o Jared liked Pawn Stars and Antique Roadshow and shows about food and wine. At a later point he also said he thought the first season of LOST was awesome, but he gave up in S2.
o Jensen tried to watch LOST “but got lost”. He likes half hour comedies comedy shows inc Modern family, The office and esp HIMYM. He said Barney and Dean need to get together and cruise chicks together.
• Q regarding how different the finale would’ve been if this had been the final season. They thought the “broad brush strokes” would be the same. Jensen spoke about how he suggested to director Steve Boyum that the final shot in the ep should’ve come down from the crackling street lamp BEHIND the shoulder of the figure, so ti wasn’t entirely clear it was Sam. Steve thought this was an awesome idea - although they didn’t use it. Then Jensen confirmed….
• He will direct the third episode of the S6, although it will be the first episode they shoot. Jensen pleaded for fans to say nice things about him on the Internets even if they have because “my bosses read that stuff . I think it was Jared said - also he’ll see you at Cons in the future and know if you were mean about him.
• They start filming again in a couple of weeks, and haven’t seen a script yet. Jared as usual said he hopes the brothers are in conflict, he likes it when they fight. Cue audience “nooo!” Jensen - “I think they like it when we are more amicable”.
• They talked about enjoying Cons. Jensen - becasue we don’t have an audience when we work, it’s ncie to be reminded that someones watching and cares.” Jared liked that people made friendships at Cons, and how he ‘d met people who’d met at Cons and now 3 years later had becomes friends. Jensen (I think) said it was about coming together with the common demnominator being love of the show. And that as much as there was no show without them there was no show without the fans. Jared talked about the symbiotic nature of the fan/celebrity relationship, and also that while fans were nervous he also got nervous. He talked about feeling vulnerable “when you’ve seen me on screen - crying and naked.”
• Q: After 5 seasons how do you keep it fresh? Both spoke primarily about the writing. Jared said he liked that there were different questions asked each season - and answered. In season one there looking for their dad and hunting wendigos and that stuff, and then S2 there’s other stuff and then there’s more new characters, and then this one character, I married her.” Unlike LOST - and he felt LOST in S2 asked too many questions without answering them and that’s when he gave up. He thought it was the network demanding they stretched the story out.
• Neither of them know anything about S6 Jared: “I have no idea if my character will be even called Sam. Hell he’s directing it and he hasn’t seen a script.” Jensen said he hoped to get a script emailed on Monday. They both said they were excited about where it would go.

Misha was too hard to take notes - but here’s some snippets.
• In a conversation about deciding if you are a Dean girl or a Sam girl, Misha asked if it was like having a fav ice cream flavor, Misha said “but what if you like both chocolate and vanilla?” Fan: Well I think you know that’s what we call slash. Pwned!
• The Spanish are a sexy people
• Something about Spain having some fish which is very ugly but yummy. There ensured a conversation about eating squirrels.
• As a fan tried to get through her question Misha said “Don’t give up you are so close to getting me to answer something Just push through the burn, it will hurt but it will be worth it in the end
• It might be fun to... to take on the... physical form of... the Queen of England. She gets new toilet seats wherever she goes.
• He tried to explain the plot of Stonehenge Apocalypse. "Basically i save the world."
• They should get hazard pay because of Jared’s farts.
• If he could prank anyone it would be jared
• Misha said it was different being on Twitter now than it was when he thought no one was watching.
• Castiel has a new power to be revealed in S6 - disco dancing. The network wants to compete with Glee - a lot of singing and dancing castiel
• Good advice he was received? I think his mother telling him he didn’t have to finish high school, and his grandfather etaching him an efficient way to fold toilet paper when he was four.
• He lifted up his shirt to show his undies.

ETAL: Jared mentioned to someone during the photops that he has another movie booked to shoot next year.

pic via @jiiaffa
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