Stallion Mentality

Jan 09, 2007 11:44

Title: Stallion Mentality

Rating: NC-30. I don’t think anyone under 30 should read this.

Pairing: Dean/horse!Sam

Summary: A boy’s love for his horse.

Genre: Crack mixed with battery acid.
A/N: So, as is usual in these matters, you can blame
ignipes  and
gekizetsu  for introducing horselove to our fandom. If you thought the yaks were disturbing and are still in therapy over the sexually inappropriate squirrelz, keep the brain bleach handy.
lyra_wing  was worried someone would write Dean/horse!Sam fic. I am that person.

You’re hung like a horse, Dean used to tease Sammy. Except after they encountered a quite short and very vengeful spirit of a Kentucky Derby jockey it became quite literally true. The advice of the local Hunters’ Advice Line (1800-evilsux) was that the spell would wear off in a few days. In the meantime there was 18 hand chestnut stallion tethered to the Impala’s bumper who answered to Sammy and kept nuzzling Dean’s pocket for carrots.

Or so Dean thought.

Sammy certainly made a handsome horse, thought Dean. His muscles rippled beneath a gleaming coat, he had a long flowing mane, flaring nostrils and soft, soft lips - Whoa thought Dean, So not going there. Yet again and again he found himself running a hand over those hard flanks, leaning against that burnished coat. And Sammy kept on nuzzling his pockets - even when Dean had no carrots.

Dean didn’t know how it happened, really, but he came out of the motel room wrapped in a towel one morning to check on Sammy. And Dean couldn’t help it that Sammy started nuzzling Dean where his pockets normally where - except he had no pockets in the towel. And it wasn’t Dean’s fault that Sammy reached across, took the towel in his teeth and flung it to the ground.

It was really unfortunate though, as Sammy snapped forward with those big horsey teeth, that Dean didn’t have any carrots on him.

(kill me, kill me now)


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