Title: Dream Days at the Hotel Existence
Author: missyjack
Pairing: Gen
Rating: pg13
Words: 728
Warning: Spoilers for 2.21. This is a twist on the episode that I don't think even Kripke would be evil enough to do. Then again...
Plea: No spoilers in comments please.
A/N: The title is the name of the upcoming Powderfinger album.
This fic is a birthday present for
tvm *mwah* I hope the coming year is shiny!
Dean held Sam as he died in the mire of cold Dakota mud. He was heavy in Dean’s arms, so heavy that Dean could hardly bear the weight but he clung to Sam, like a drowning man to a life preserver.
A cold wind howled through the emptiness in Dean’s chest. He closed his eyes, and held his breath, struggling to hold time at rest, so he didn’t have to move past this moment into the next one, the one without Sam in it.
When Dean opened his eyes he was in a hospital room. He looked around and saw Tessa, the reaper, next sitting on the bed next to him.
“What the fuck? Am I dead?” Dean looked frantically around the room. “Where’s Sam?”
“Shhh, it’s okay Dean,“ she rested a hand on his shoulder. “I had to show you what would happen.”
“What? I don’t…”
“If you return to your body, if you live,” her voice was gentle, almost regretful, “a few months from now your brother will be dead.”
“No. No, no. no,” Dean shook his head vehemently. “We did this before. I remember…I mean, I woke up and I didn’t remember you.”
“That was part of the illusion.”
Dean ran his hand through his hair. “We were here and you asked me to choose. You said I couldn’t go back, that I would either stay as a spirit, a ghost, here, or I could go with you.”
“Sorry Dean, that wasn’t quite true. You can go back, but you are already on borrowed time. It would seriously upset the natural order.”
Dean whispered under his breath “I was about to decide when something happened. Something happened to you. And then I was okay; I woke up.”
“You wouldn’t believe me Dean, wouldn’t accept that leaving them was for the best,” Tessa rubbed small circles in the middle of his back.
”All your life it’s been your job to look after Sammy, to look after your Dad. You’ve done the best job you could, that anyone could. Your love, Dean, has been the fire at the heart of your family.”
Dean looked at her. “Everything that has happened since I woke up…All that was a vision?”
It had felt so real, like he’d lived it through it - the pain of carrying Dad’s secret, finding help at the Roadhouse, the vampires that weren’t evil, the zombie girl, the FBI, the shapeshifter, the trickster, Madison. Sam being infected. Sam being possessed. Sam dying in his arms.
“It was a glimpse of a path Dean, one that you will follow if you return to your body now.” She stroked his hair. “Some things may change, but…”
“What’s dead should stay dead,“ Dean said softly.
“I have already done more than I should. The choice is yours now: to live or to come with me. I take it,“ she said with a half smile, “you’re not going to choose the ghost option?”
“If I go with you, Sam will be okay? What about Dad? Won’t he still try and bargain with the Demon?”
“Once you come with me Dean, once you cross over, the Demon can’t touch you. There will be no deal made with your father,“ she turned his face towards her. ”And with the Colt in their possession, he and Sam may eventually defeat it.”
Tears spilled down Dean’s face. “Without me…”
“You will always be with them Dean. You are part of them, part of who they are.” There was so much pain in this one; it shone from him like shards of glass in the sun.
Dean stared at his hands, twisting his ring back and forth. Finally he stood up, “Let’s do this then.”
A code blue had been called in room 245. A nurse wheeled in the crash cart as a doctor tried to revive the young man in the bed. In between shocks from the defibrillator, nurses administered oxygen, and monitored vital signs, while the doctor kept up the chest compressions in a steady rhythm.
John and Sam Winchester stood in the doorway watching Dean die. John thought of the ritual he’d been about to perform, the deal he’d been willing to make. It was too late for that now.
“Still no pulse,” said one nurse.
Everyone looked expectantly at the doctor.
“Okay, that's it everybody,” he said. “I’m calling it. Time of death: 10:41 am.”
Sam’s hand gripped tight on the Colt hidden beneath his jacket. He turned to John and their eyes met in silent agreement. This battle started now.