Thanks to
karmicunderpath for the link to
this which does contain a spoiler for this weeks ep.
From one lucky girl who was one of ten who got a half hour with Jensen:
We talked about the emotional scenes he'd been knocking out of the park all season and he said that when he was on DOOL that he'd been amazed how easily some of his female co stars had been able to switch on and off tears and that he'd always really have to work at it.
I asked how difficult it was to sustain that kind of emotion in between camera set ups and he said that on Ep 21 he'd asked the crew to help him out. They were really quiet in between set ups and left him alone just to just be by himself. He'd also asked Kim Manners to reduce the number of camera shots he used. He complimented everyone on how helpful they'd been to him and that his mum had called him after seeing the show to say "you have to stop doing that to me" so I guess she cried too.
He then went on to say that the scene at the end of CSPWDT was another very difficult scene for him. When they yelled cut, he just took off down the road by himself. Jared had gone after him and put his arm around him until Jensen had stopped shaking and crying, then he simply said, "great scene man".