RPS Fic - "Caught"

Oct 02, 2008 13:33

Title: Caught
Author: Kai (missy7280)
Characters: Eric Byrnes/Conor Jackson, Stephen Drew
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 491
Summary: Stephen walks into the guys' bathroom and is in for a big surprise.
Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is not meant to represent the actual people in it. No profit is being made, and no harm is intended. It's just a story.
Author's Note: So this one is another request, this time done for cinderlily. I hope you don't mind I included Stephen so I could fit this in my baseball100 table! :)

Stephen thought that all the other guys had left. There was nobody really around in the clubhouse, and so it was a reasonable assumption to make. Stephen had all of his things packed up and ready to go, and he just needed to use the bathroom before leaving.

Stephen walked in and was bombarded with a sight that he could only process for a few moments. At first he couldn’t tell who he was looking at, but he could see that it was two males. Most likely it was two of his teammates. Stephen’s first thought was that one of the men was attacking the other. His instinct was to pull them apart, but then he realized they weren’t fighting at all. They were embracing.

All that Stephen could do was stare for a minute, as he saw one man had the other pinned up against the bathroom stall. The man was holding the other tightly by the shoulders, and he was kissing him. As he turned his face in Stephen's direction, he noticed that it was Eric. Eric, a man that Stephen believed to be perfectly straight, was kissing another man. That man was none other than Eric's replacement, Conor Jackson. They were completely lost in each other, and therefore didn't notice Stephen standing there staring at them. He had to get out of there. Not only was he witnessing a sin, but it was between two of his teammates. This was big. Reputations and lives were ruined over things like this. Stephen didn't want to be a part of it.

He turned around and went back the way he came, but the door must have closed too loudly behind him because he saw Eric practically running after him.

"Hey, wait up," Eric called.

"I was just leaving," Stephen said, trying to avoid being discovered.

"Look man, you didn't see anything. Please tell me you didn't see anything," Eric said.

Stephen realized how much power he had over Eric now, and Conor as well. Knowledge was power, and this was the ultimate incriminating knowledge. It was his to do with as he pleased. He could be the ruin of both these men's lives if he wanted to. But why was he even thinking these thoughts? These guys were his teammates, but even more than that they were his friends. He would never do anything to intentionally hurt either of them. Stephen looked at Eric and saw the worry etched in his features. A man who was usually so jubilant and care-free now looked downright scared.

“I don’t know what you mean. I didn’t see anything at all,” Stephen said, using a tone to imply that he really had seen what happened between Eric and Conor, but he wasn’t going to share.

Eric gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Please don’t tell anyone about what you ‘didn’t see,’” Eric said.

“I won’t,” Stephen said. “I will just pray for you.”

A/N Continued: cinderlily, I'm sorry this was so short and didn't have much Byrnes/Jackson really in it. I hope to write another fic for you that's actually more focused on them and a bit longer too. Maybe over the weekend I'll have time to write something up. ^^

fanfiction, byrnes/jackson, writing, stephen drew

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