I might as well do it, since I'm a meme whore.
Ask me a fandom, and I will tell you:
+ Runner-up
+ Honorable mention(s)
+ Crack pairing(s)
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don'tIf you don't know my fandoms, uh look at my profile. Please and thanks. I'm not gonna list them all again here
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Comments 17
I have watched the first ep of House this season but I keep forgetting to watch more... I need to get on that.
+ OTP Esposito/Ryan (ikr?)
+ Runner-up Castle/Beckett
+ Honorable mention(s) Castle/Lanie probably. I definitely see it.
+ Crack pairing(s) Ryan/Castle.. Not really a crack pairing, but something more like crack!slash?
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't Uhhhmm I don't think there's enough ships/fandom participation yet to answer this question. So to answer with a ship I don't like, Ryan/Ryan's girlfriend AHAHA
+ OTP Alex/Izzie
+ Runner-up Addison/Mark
+ Honorable mention(s) Arizona/Callie
+ Crack pairing(s) Derek/Mark
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't Meredith/Derek gets obnoxious... and I never liked Izzie/George
+ OTP House/Wilson. Yeah, that's pretty obv.
+ Runner-up Foreman/Thirteen (again, duh)
+ Honorable mention(s) Thirteen/Cuddy is hot, haha.
+ Crack pairing(s) House/Thirteen is pretty much total crack. Um, Chase/Foreman too.
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't House/Cuddy. I used to like them fine but now I'm just pretty bored with the ship.
+ OTP Reynolds/Drew (biggest duh ever)
+ Runner-up Haren/Garland (I know, I know) I say it counts.
+ Honorable mention(s) Snyder/Drew. Drew/Laura (yay for one not-slash pairing) Young/Upton (dude they're like BFFs). and I'm starting to develop a thing for Hester/Buckner. details to follow, if you want 'em.
+ Crack pairing(s) I have to go with Sutton/Gracie on this one. LOL. Yeah, I went there.
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't I don't really mind any Dbacks pairing. I'm just happy if someone writes slash for the team. :) Though if someone writes Drew/anybody it BETTER be realistic in some way and not just completely ignore Stephen's personality.
+ OTP Doan/Jovanovski :)))
+ Runner-up Lombardi/Upshall :D
+ Honorable mention(s) Tik/Lisin, because even though they're not on the team anymore I love my Russians. Michalek/Hanzal too.
+ Crack pairing(s) Yandleface/Anyone. I love slashing him for some reason.
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't Does anyone even write Coyotes slash? Well, there was this one Doan/Tikhonov fic that, from the comments, everybody liked. But I just DO NOT see it. It's like... wrong.
His last name is Yandle. We just call him Yandleface. Cause that's what he is.
brb still responding to your other comment
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