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Comments 21

minviendha July 17 2011, 23:51:10 UTC
...I couldn't help it on the last question. I'm not sure he is but when you share a last name with a Beatle...

There's an obligation, you know?


misstopia July 17 2011, 23:52:59 UTC
Do you really have the same last name as Ringo?? THAT IS AWESOME.


minviendha July 18 2011, 00:40:27 UTC
...well, my last name is Ringo.

So yes? XD


misstopia July 18 2011, 11:51:15 UTC
Hahaha, OH I SEE XD Even more awesome!!!


fauxkaren July 17 2011, 23:55:53 UTC
lol. I loved Susan. I was such a rule follower of a kid, that I totally identified with the way she's kind of the buzzkill of the group. Also, she was a girl! And I Was a girl! And Lucy was too much a goody two shoes. So I latched onto Susan.

And then she didn't get to go to New Narnia (aka heaven) in The Last Battle because she liked lipgloss and boys. And I liked lip gloss and boys. I WAS SCARRED FOR LIFE. Ten year old me was smart enough to grasp the basics of the Christian metaphors, but apparently it wen t over my head that it wasn't because she liked boys and lip gloss, but rather because she stopped believing in Aslan and Narnia.

ETA: Although having grown up, I think I like Edmund the best. But Susan was the Pevensie of my childhood.

Remus is the only Maurauder I like.

I feel like I don't know the Sand Snakes well enough to have firm opinions, but I feel like I like Lady Nym.

And I love George a LOT so I voted for him, but I love Paul too. And I DID see Paul in concert last year, but I went with my gut and voted for


misstopia July 18 2011, 11:53:33 UTC
I love Susan too, she's my second favorite! I still feel bad for her for being rejected because she stopped believing, I mean, the stories do sound rather silly when you say them out loud and stuff.

I like Nym tooooo but I chose Sarella because we seem to know more about her atm.

Don't worry, George is the objective correct answer ;D But oh Paul concert, fun times!!


angerfish July 18 2011, 00:16:53 UTC
George and I very nearly share a birthday. So.


misstopia July 18 2011, 11:54:03 UTC


kitrinlu July 18 2011, 00:57:50 UTC
Aww, no one likes Lucy? She's my second-favourite :(

I really don't like any of the Marauders, but I dislike Remus the least.

I like Sarella if she really is Alleras, but otherwise we haven't even met her, so I'd change my vote to Tyene.

Lol, this brings back memories - I used to be a total Beatles geek :)


misstopia July 18 2011, 11:55:30 UTC
I like all the kids!!! Lucy's cool, she was the first!


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misstopia July 18 2011, 11:56:42 UTC
Agreed about Edmund, I chose him because he seemed the most developed, his character went through a lot of growth and change ♥

Oh yeah, I always forget that Sarella captains her own ship. BADASS.

LOL, I just think it's funny nobody chose John, poor John!


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