
Dec 15, 2009 10:37

Wedding was wonderful, bus trip was awful :| I got in last night about 12 hours after I had planned and just crashed, in case you were wondering if I fell off the face of the planet or something. I have things, ie for you guad, just gimme today to sort it all out and get back in the swing of things :)

i'll tag this later

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Comments 4

cyshobbitlass December 15 2009, 16:24:45 UTC
Welcome back! <3


gogoratchet December 15 2009, 16:49:17 UTC
Awww, alternately yay and boo.

Always good to see you m'dear. :)


haremstress December 15 2009, 20:15:26 UTC
Glad you made it home safe!


cloud_wolf December 15 2009, 20:50:43 UTC
Glad you're back, and good luck with the drawing!


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