
Dec 09, 2009 11:55

I have a kind of hectic Wednesday and Thursday and Friday here, and I'm also not getting LJ comments notifications in anything approaching a normal manner, so if there's something I need to attend to before I leave for my friend's wedding tomorrow afternoon, please comment here, so I can check it in one place. I know this is my responsibility but ( Read more... )

i'll tag this later

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Comments 27

cyshobbitlass December 9 2009, 16:58:16 UTC
Don't worry about the character meme points check. It's not your job and you've helped enough already.


misstopia December 9 2009, 18:05:13 UTC
Sweet :) Thanks!


guad December 9 2009, 17:16:54 UTC
Want help with point checking or valyrian? I'd rather have you doing you-know-what ;) and offer help with point check :)

I would help with your laundry too, you know? :P


misstopia December 9 2009, 18:04:55 UTC
Hehehe, owing to comments notification screwery I did not know about this comment until just now! I just finished the points check more or less :)


misstopia December 9 2009, 20:35:47 UTC
Just so you know I'm not blowing you off, I AM nearing the finish line:

... )


guad December 10 2009, 10:35:47 UTC
Aw this looks very nice! I'm sure it'll be great :)


matitablu December 9 2009, 17:17:32 UTC
I've finally finished Mad Men S1! \0/ Just wanted to let you know.


misstopia December 9 2009, 18:05:35 UTC
What do you think so far??


matitablu December 9 2009, 18:40:30 UTC
Mmmh it's hard to sum up, I just wrote a lengthy review on my wordpress blog XD I guess that if I have to find a flaw in it it's that it's been (mostly, but not exclusively) pleasing on an intellectual level than on an emotional one, although I think it sort of gets better in that respect? I admit it took me a while to really get invested in Don's story, it really clicked only towards the end - on the other hand I just loved Betty's, it was almost painful to watch but also really compelling. I loved that they gave her these acts of rebellion like shooting the pigeons or getting back at Don through the therapist (talk about epic pwnage there). We'd expect a modern woman to lash out or be more direct anyway, but she just can't act like that. Aw, Betty ( ... )


misstopia December 9 2009, 19:27:58 UTC
I actually really like the meditative feel of it, and MM seasons are known to be sloooow burns, all of them start out like a pot of water you're just waiting to see boil.

Betty, yeah, she's really compelling, for both better and worse, and Don, I found his story the most apparent and overt from the start, cause I guess duh he's the seeming star at first. I like his story because you can see how social factors shape him too, it's not just rich white men as default and women as gender, black people as race, poor people as class, etc.

Peggy is awesome :D I'm really curious to see how she ends up at the end. And I LOOOOOOVED Rachel, we don't see her after season one and it's so D: I miss her.

And yeah, hahahaha, John Hamm, YUMMMMM.


cloud_wolf December 9 2009, 18:46:53 UTC
Huh. How the hell did people come up with the idea that women would go to the movies less than men? O_o


cyshobbitlass December 9 2009, 18:57:21 UTC
It should so be common knowledge that women are a force in entertainment of all kinds, but sadly it's not.

I need to write more female characters. I feel responsible for this somehow.


misstopia December 9 2009, 19:22:54 UTC
This should be obvious by now, and yet you can hop on any AICN message board and get the same "But women just don't like XYZ" bullshit you always do :|

"Women are a dramatically underserved segment of the moviegoing population, and if the industry would produce films that are not, by the way, just about shoes and clothes, but really had multidimensional female characters doing interesting things, women will go to see these movies in droves," Lauzen says.



hamsterwoman December 9 2009, 19:01:08 UTC
I just wanted to mention that when I saw "Pack" on your TO-DO list, even though I'd just read about you traveling tomorrow, my first thought was, "Is this referring to some kind of Stark bonding thing?" (It's possible I need to, like, get out more. XP)

I'm going to go post my overall totals over there now, in the hope that we can track down the 6 point discrepancy pretty quickly :)


misstopia December 9 2009, 19:29:00 UTC
Yeah just commented! I think that should take care of it and ToH is already scored, and tourneys are delayed, so that should be VF + Sorting + Stamping + ToH for Nov totals? Thanks for being so organized with this.


hamsterwoman December 9 2009, 19:53:18 UTC
That does take care of V_F, yay!

I posted my overall totals in a new thread. Hopefully they match yours. :P

Thanks so much for you time on this, I know you've got a gazillion things to do!


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