Picspam Time! This one is a salute to D'Anna since I had fun with her crazy ways in my Revelations picspam. I am amused by how I never seem to go in order with these and half the time I stop in the middle of one and do another. Crackspiration is fickle that way. lol. Anyway if you've mentioned another to me in the past, rest assured that it will probably pop up eventually. :-) In the meantime I hope you enjoy D'Anna!
Caps from and spoilers for all seasons but especially for Final Cut and the early part of season 2.
Previously on BSG: Once upon a time Bill met Laura and they were snippy with each other. A few months later they were madly in lurve. It's a story for the ages. In other news, the fleet was divided by the epic Ship Wars. The small contingent of Zarek/Roslin shippers were mainly on the Rising Star now. The Cylons were dismayed by the outcome of the
Ship Wars and decided to send in D'Anna on a super seekrit mission to gather intel. It was code named: Clandestine Information Accumulating Enterprise. The Cylons greatly enjoyed synonyms. And now, for D'Anna Makes a Movie
On the Rising Star aka Zarek/Roslin shipper territory
D’Anna: Ok, so do we know the plan assistant dude?
Assistant Dude: My name is Gary
D’Anna: Whatev. Do you know the plan Jerry?
Gary: It’s Gary. And yes I know the plan! We’re going to black mail the commander into letting us shoot a documentary on Galactica and then we’ll use our access to re-start the Ship Wars so that the Zarek shippers can at last triumph!
D’Anna: Word. Kobol was a blow to our cause but we can still make a come back Larry.
Gary: It’s Gary! And of course the only problem is that we have to get this plan past Roslin and she might airlock us
D’Anna: Leave Roslin to me bb. Pathetic humanoid...
Gary: Huh?
So D'Anna headed over to Colonial One to set her Super Seekrit Cylon Plan in Motion
D’Anna: Uh, hello?
*in the background*: Bill: Is this really necessary? I thought I made everything up to you the past few days. Repeatedly, I might add.
Laura: You might, and while that does earn you bonus points it ultimately won't help your case any. Because: Jail Cell.
Bill: This is all ridiculous though I mean..
Laura: Jail Cell.
Bill: Gods dammit. You’re lucky I’m pretty much head over heels in love with you at this point. And that you are insanely attractive
Laura: Aw, I love you too bb. And you’re still lucky this is all I’m doing about the Jail Cell thing.
Bill: You know you're going on a bit of a power trip
Laura: hee! I know! It's pretty great. And admit it, it's hot.
Bill: Yeah, yeah
Laura: Hi, D’Anna Biers right?
D’Anna: *Is entranced.*
Marine Guard: Heh. How many people is this now who’ve fallen for her at first sight?
Marine Guard Two: Uh, like everyone dude. I’ve lost count
D’Anna: *struggles to recover* Uh, yep, that’s me! A human journalist! Yep, a human. Who is a journalist. A human one. That's me! Very very human.
Laura: Um, super. So the commander here has a proposal for you. heee. hee.
Bill: Yeah...
Laura: Go on Bill. *valiantly attempts to hide the oncoming giggle fit*
Bill: Uh, we think it would be a good idea if you ah, filmed a ... documentary....
Laura: Almost there bb
Bill: aboard Galactica. sigh
D’Anna: What?? For reals? With like, unlimited access and stuff?
Laura: Yes. Though the commander will be preoccupied in extensive meetings with me, so he won’t have quite as much time to appear on camera. Cough.
Bill: Thanks bb
Laura: Don't mention it. And Random Aide, what exactly am I signing here?
Random Aide: It's a just a supply roster. And there's also a petition here from some citizens who wish to deify you. And Tom Zarek has sent his weekly request to have Friday Spirit Rallies where people can read passages from his book.
Laura: The first thing's ok, the second thing weirds me out, and send my usual reply of Frak no back to Tom
Random Aide: Very good ma'am
D’Anna: But this is what I was coming here to ask you! The fleet wants to know what the military is really up to!
Laura: Bill pipe down
Bill: I didn’t say anything!
Laura: You were about to. And you were also about to punch out my aide for invading my personal space and he is walking away now, aren’t you random aide?
Aide: Meep! Yes ma’am
Laura: And D’Anna, I knew what you were coming to ask me about. And I agree with you - the military could use a PR boost right now. Especially Col Tigh and to some extent the Commander - tossing me in the brig didn't exactly do wonders for their popularity
Bill: Grumble
D’Anna: *awed* You’re like omniscient or something!
Laura: Or something. Now go start filming! *Laura actually was just super smart and had an extensive spy network headed up by Billy who kept her up on the rumor mill*
Meanwhile at the Tigh’s...
Ellen: Oh Saul! It was so traumatic!
Saul: What was?
Ellen: Look for yourself. It’s horrible, horrible!
Emo Poetry
Saul: No, no it can’t be! There weren’t supposed to be any left! We checked!
Ellen: What are we going to do?
Saul: I don’t know. I’ll have to talk to Bill. An Emo Hipster Threat is nothing to take lightly. We have enough trouble with our Emo Pilots - throw Emo Hipsters into the mix and you’ve got yourself a clusterfrak
After the meeting with D'Anna, Bill flew back over to Galactica and was unfortunately accompanied by Gary the Cameraman
Gary: So Commander what are you up to?
Bill: Just making a to do list *To Do: Laura, Commanderly things, meet with command staff, Laura, glare at Zarek, meet with Chief, Laura, dinner, Laura, bedtime, Laura*
Gary: So.. I heard that Tom Zarek has been meeting a lot with the President. They seem quite cozy
Bill: Do you want me to kill you?
Racetrack: Oh snap! And STFU fool, the Ship Wars are OVER and the commander totes won. Holla!
Bill: Uh, the President and I are just friends. Really really close friends.
Racetrack: Sure sir. *winks*
In a Locker Room on Galactica, shenanigans were ensuing
Kara: So.... I hear that someone’s been scrawling emo poetry around the ship
Lee: Yeah, I heard about that too. Are you checking me out right now?
Kara: hahaha. No.
Lee: *pouts*
Kara: Seriously though, are you the Emo Poetry bandit?
Lee: What? No! I am not!
Kara: Well it’s super emo and all
Lee: Yes but it is Emo Hipster poetry. And I am not a hipster. Plus, I’m more emo than this poetry poser. So there.
Kara: I could out-emo you any day of the week
Lee: haha. I doubt that
Kara: *pouts* Look at my emo face. Emo emo emo
Lee: haha! I could still out emo you, I just don’t feel like it right now
D’Anna: Knock knock!
Lee: Whoa! Nearly dropped my towel there.
D’Anna: Damn it’s like some moody, high fashion underwear commercial in here. Does the commander know about this?
Gary: How come all the hot people live on Galactica?
Lee: Funny you should mention that, you see I clearly have underwear model skills
Kara: Gods Lee quit dropping that towel! No one wants that much of a show. *giggle*
D’Anna: I’m not complaining
Lee: I have trouble holding onto things like towels. It’s a genetic affliction.
ETA: Bill also suffered from this tragic genetic affliction, though his condition became acute only recently and only in the presence of a certain Colonial President
In the Hangar Bay Kat and Chief were having an argument that got D'Anna's attention. Alas for D'Anna, the Ship Wars weren't resuming
Kara: Lee we have to do something
Lee: I know! Kat’s having one of the best meltdowns I’ve ever seen!
ETA: Chief yelled frequently, so this wasn't considered meltdown material
Kara: What are we going to do? We have reputations to uphold!
Lee: No one can be more emo or emotionally unstable than us! No one!
Flashforward! While the intrepid space!kids were secure in their Emo reputations, their meltdown reputations would be totally pwned by one Laura Roslin who managed to go from this:
To this:
In approximately 3 second during her Epic Interrogation of Baltar. To make matters worse Laura wasn't even having an out-of-control meltdown at the time. Kara would make a bid to reclaim the meltdown crown after returning as a zombie, and the jury is still out on who is the Meltdown Master of Galactica. Kara gets points for overall Freak-Out level, but Laura wins points for using her Meltdowns to accomplish things.
Kara: Hey, stop filming this! I’ll frakking punch your frakking face in! Let’s go douchebag!
Lee: Ok, that’s a bit too unstable, calm down.
So D'Anna headed over to CIC to see if she could drum up the Ship Wars again there, or at least provoke the Commander into saying something damaging
Bill: *How much longer till I can see Laura...commanding is frakking boring. I wonder what Laura’s wearing right now... Gods I think time is actually slowing down*
Saul: Bill focus up here. What’s with all these frakking cameras in CIC? Was this that crazy lady’s idea?
Bill: If by crazy lady you mean Laura then yes. And I’d refrain from saying that anymore. The woman’s been on a power trip since getting back from Kobol
Saul: Should’ve left her in the Brig
D’Anna: Here we are watching Galactica’s longest running bromance. It’s an inspiration to bromances everywhere.
Saul: Bill....
Bill: There’s nothing I can do! You know what’s at stake here
Saul: I’m only doing this because you’re my friend and you hadn’t been laid in a decade
D’Anna: So gentlemen, when did your bromance get started? Was it bromance love at first sight? Some citizens in the fleet actually think you two might be...
Saul: Don’t say it! Frakking pipe down over there
Bill: She’ll leave soon won’t she?
D’Anna: Aw, just make out already!
Bill: Stay strong. Think of the president’s legs
Saul: Uh, why? You’re the only one benefiting from them
Bill: Exactly. Be a friend and think of me benefiting from the president’s legs
Saul: Roslin is evil.
Bill: Don’t diss my seekrit girlfriend. But yeah, she is evil. It’s still hot though.
Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of D'Anna makes a movie, which should be up tomorrow! Thanks for reading!