I have been dying for a decent all-over freckled non-default skin. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find one that I really liked. And when I say all over, I mean ALL OVER!
Here I created a NDS (non-default-skin) that is exactly that! I used
Papercat's skintones as my base. I loved the faces so much. All I did was "freckle" them up a bit.
~ I also added nipples!
I may or may not do this with other skintones I find I like. Also, I may upload a version with the red/blue/green sliders, but for now this is only one slider.
I forgot to get dark tone previews. I will add them later!
Teen Female, Young Adult Female, Adult Female, and Elder Female all use the same skintone.
The only difference is elder face freckles are slightly lighter.
Same as above.
Child & Toddler skins are unisex.
The child and toddler freckles are lighter and get darker as they age. Meaning toddler's freckles are lightest, child slightly darker and teen+ darkest.
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=389680 Download here: