musebyquotes | 1.17. Bill Keane quote

Apr 05, 2009 01:13

1.17. "A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away."
- Bill Keane, Family Circus'

Co-written with paramedically

When Andrew answered the door and found his soon to be ex-workmate standing there, he grinned. “Hey,” he greeted her, keeping the door propped open with his shoulder as he manoeuvred himself in his crutches. “So, you’re really going through with it, huh?” He asked and nodded inside for her to come in. He was only just getting the hang of the crutches all over again. It wasn’t the first time he had been on them, after all.

Emma caught the weight of the door by putting her hand on it. She waved him inside so she could close the door over behind him and smiled at the attractive and modern interior of the apartment. She whistled in appreciation. “I’m impressed, Andy. I still can’t believe you’ve moved to the Upper East Side, not to mention getting all domestic with a gorgeous gal. You make me wonder what the hell I’m doing wrong.” She followed slowly behind him, ready to catch him if he toppled off the crutches. “Yes, I’m still going through with it. I know it’s pretty outrageous, but it just feels right. I’ve got to at least try to find her.”

Andrew nodded in understanding and eased himself into the closest armchair in the living room. “Sure, absolutely. I think you’re doing the right thing, hon. I really do. We’re just going to miss you.” He waved his hand in the direction of the kitchen. “Feel free to help yourself to anything. I wish I didn’t have to be so rude but I’m not supposed to be up for too long and carrying drinks back with these bastards is just impossible.”

“I’m cool,” Emma assured him with a smile and sat on the sofa just over from him. “I came to visit you, not have you wait on me hand and foot. Even if said foot is incapacitated. How are you feeling? Last I saw you, you were laid up on an ER gurney barely conscious and making good use of a vomit bag. The bruises are just about cleared up but I bet that cut leaves a scar,” she predicted.

Andrew touched his forehead gently and nodded. “Yeah, no doubt,” he agreed wryly. “I hate it. Being off work, I’m as bored as hell. I can’t even babysit Jamie for Ali because it’s possible to do everything on crutches. She’s out to lunch with her friend right now. It’s me and the remote. Again. I’m out of action until the beginning of May.”

Emma shook her head, frowning. “Seriously, it scared the hell out of all of us. We know the job is dangerous. It was just a stark wake up call. Do you even remember any of it?” she asked.

“Very little. I do vaguely remember trying to tell the guy we were just there to help his girlfriend and vaguely remember being verbally abused like there was no tomorrow, but it’s just kind of like a slow-action replay with a glitch in the tape in my head. But with how hard I apparently smacked my head on that wall, I’m not surprised there’s a bit of event amnesia. The concussion lasted for damn days. I was so sick. I’m just pissed off it happened now more than anything. I hate being kept from work,” Andrew said, shaking his head in annoyance.

“I’d be ready to tear my hair out,” Emma agreed. “I would be making everyone’s lives around me a living hell. What about you? You creating havoc for your squeeze?”

Andrew shook his head with a laugh. “Well, I haven’t been well enough to piss her off too much. I kept thinking I was going to be a burden and more stress and worry for her when she’s already dealing with the baby and stuff. Ali’s got Post-Natal Depression, see. She’s been better recently with some medication to help, but I was so worried I would be a hassle to take care of after the injuries. But she’s been amazing. There’s no other way to say it. She’s perfect. I’m so fucking lucky.”

Emma grinned and nodded. “That you are, Aussie. But look at it this way. You’re also pretty damn sweet yourself and you don’t give yourself enough credit. Maybe she is just relieved you’re okay and she can help you like you’ve been helping her.”

“Maybe,” Andrew reluctantly agreed with a blush. “But still…”

“No ‘but stills’ about it,” Emma scolded lightly, smirking at him with a point of her finger. “This is the whole better and worse thing that people happily ensconced in relationships talk about. Enjoy it. Take the good with the bad because if it’s the real thing, it’ll all be worth it in the end.”

Andrew laughed and put a cushion on the coffee table so he rest his foot on it and elevate his broken leg. “You make me wonder why you’re still single, Hamilton,” he teased. “So, are you all packed? Ready for the big move? When’s your first shift?”

Emma nodded again. “The moving truck is on its way to Princeton as we speak. I’m driving there in a few hours. I just wanted to drop by to say goodbye to my favourite boss and thank you again for making the transfer happen. I can’t thank you enough for that. I mean, I’m scared and I’m nervous and all that, plus I won’t have anyone I know in Princeton, but I really hope this is my chance of finding my sister. If not, well, they tell me Princeton’s nice and I can always think about coming back if it doesn’t work out. My first shift is tomorrow, believe it or not. Nine am start. I was cutting it fine, but I only managed to find an apartment I liked there a week and half ago otherwise I was going to have to check into a hotel there. Thank god for small miracles.”

“My cousin lives in Princeton, you know. Well, technically he lives here in the City, but he’s gone to Princeton for a few months to open a second bar there. I’ll give you his name and number. If you feel isolated or want a friendly face to talk to, he’d be more than happy to help out. He’s a great guy. He’s getting married at the end of the month. I get the honour of being his Best Man, so I’ll be in your neighbourhood then. I’ll have to drop by and see your new place,” Andrew told her.

“Hell yes. You have to promise to come visit any time you’re over there,” Emma insisted and reached over to adjust the pillow under his foot so it was more comfortable for him. “Are you sure your cousin will want my strange butt harassing him when he’s busy with the whole bar thing? I can see you in a tux, by the way. I’m sure you scrub up mighty fine.”

Andrew scrunched his nose up. “I hate suits,” he snorted. “But still, I’d do anything for Luke and trust me, he’d do anything for anyone else. It’s just the sort of guy he is. He has a huge heart. You’ll love him.” He shook his head. “Wow, I can’t believe you’ve actually finished working with us. It seems surreal. I didn’t even get to make it to your leaving party because of this damn thing.” He pointed in annoyance at his leg.

“You can take me out for a drink next time you’re in Princeton,” Emma told him with a smile. “You were better to follow doctor’s orders and stay off it. If it doesn’t meld properly now, you could be up shit creek without a paddle later down the track. You need strong legs for the job. And yep, I’m definitely gone. It feels… weird. The team was like my family and I love New York. But who knows, I could be back.”

Andrew nodded, returning the smile. “And in the meantime, just don’t be a stranger, ET. I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, Andy,” Emma told him and stood up to go give him a warm hug. “And if you decide to up and elope with your gorgeous sweetheart, I expect an invite to the wedding.”

Andrew just laughed, hugging her tightly back. “Deal,” he agreed.

Luke Jackson [notskywalker] and Ali Sullivan [agentsullivan] referenced with permission

Word Count | 1,385

[plot] princeton bound, [comm] musebyquotes, [co-written] paramedically, [with] paramedically

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