Guest: Meredith Shayne Guest Post.

Apr 24, 2013 00:45

Joining me today is Meredith Shayne, sharing some delicious and mouth-watering recipes!


Thanks for having my on your blog today, LJ!

If you know anything about my newest release, Whitewater, you'll know that it's about Luke Henderson, who is a baker by trade. Luke loves baking, and as it so happens, so do I, maybe not as much as Luke but I ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

angharad_gam April 26 2013, 01:01:36 UTC
Just the horrible music from the 1980's? Not all the cool stuff?

As for recipes:

Ginger cake (this is a combination of a traditional northern English parkin recipe with one from Mrs Beeton)
16 oz self raising flour
8 oz treacle
4 oz brown sugar
6 oz butter
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
2 tbsp (yes tbsp - I like ginger!). ginger
1tsp. allspice

Note: if you want to make it more like parkin substitute 1/4 to 1/2 of the flour with fine oatmeal - then you can convince yourself that this cake is mildly healthy ;-)

Put the flour in a large bowl. Mix in the oatmeal if you are using it, and stir in the spices.
In a saucepan over a low heat melt together the treacle, sugar and butter and stir until well mixed.
Pour into the flour and mix well.
Beat the eggs lightly then mix with the milk.
Stir the eggy milky mixture into the treacly floury mixture.
Pour into a greased and/or lined cake tin or two (this will make two smallish loaf cakes)
Bake in a moderate oven for at least 40 mins but mostly until a skewer comes out clean.


meredith_shayne May 4 2013, 01:10:04 UTC
I apologise for the delay in replying to this! When I don't get comment notifications myself it makes me forget.

Some people think all 80s music is horrible. Not me though. Who doesn't like Duran Duran, I ask you.

That ginger cake looks fab. I love ginger, and nice warm ginger cakes. Perfect for winter!


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