Guest: Margie Church & Book Giveaway.

May 22, 2012 12:22

Today's guest is Margie Church, talking about lakes and her books, and offering a giveaway to one lucky commenter! Please do make her welcome.


Thank you for having me, Star and hello from beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota, the City of Lakes! When Star joined me on my blog, she talked about how the ocean was so important to her. Well, Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes with 90,000 miles (144,891 km) of shoreline-more than California, Florida, and Hawaii combined. And it's all fresh water! I live within a block of the mighty Mississippi River, and grew up on the edge of the renowned Boundary Waters Canoe Area. The lakes and rivers in my great state have had a profound impact on my life. From soothing escapes from the heat, to drilling holes through the thick winter ice to fish, to dreading the tornadoes that follow the river's paths, water and its effect on our life, is inescapable here.

Although only one of my books is set in Minnesota (Hard as Teak, m/m erotica), I have used lake/ocean settings in several of my stories. The apocalyptic ending of Love Bites (vampire) takes places on an ocean beach in the Carolinas. There's a peacefulness and utter sorrow that takes place in the water in Nopeming Shores (sensual military romance). WET (contemporary erotic romance) is all about rain and a few other yummy desires. One of my newest pieces, Night Music, takes place at a cabin on a huge lake in Virginia, but Brielle's encounter with Zeke and Logan is anything but calming.

Those are just a few examples of how I've used water in my books. It has a commanding presence. It brings peace and terror. Life and death. It can lull you to sleep or awaken a hibernating desire that bursts into a lust-driven frenzy. Don't believe me? Think about it the next time you sit on the beach listening to waves crash to shore.

I have 11 novels on my back list. This summer I have a full novel and two short stories coming out.

Here's what you can look forward to:

June: Executive Decision

If you're a fan of erotic m/m and enjoy a bit of BDSM, Executive Decision will titillate you. It's powerfully erotic from the jaw-dropping opening sentence through the last.

Blurb: The prospect of getting caught while having sex is a powerful aphrodisiac for Logan Carlyle. He's viewed as the leader on the sales force, but in bed, he's a submissive all the way.

Hunter James is just as adventurous as Logan. He's lower in the sales ranks, but he's the top when it comes to his relationship with Logan.

When Logan's thrill-seeking desires creates chaos with their careers and severs their relationship, Madame Evangeline's expertise is required.

Executive Decision has a June 25 release date from Decadent Publishing. This is my first title with Decadent, and I'm very excited to debut in their popular 1Night Stand series of short stories.

July: Razor

The first portion of this incredible BDSM romance came out in an anthology in February. Now, co-author, K.B. Cutter and I have turned Razor into a full novel.

Blurb: When Amy asks her husband, Bryce, to become a switch and enlists her best friend's help, will their marriage survive? Sophisticated, erotic BDSM romance readers will enjoy their psycho-emotional journey.

Razor will have you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out whether Amy made the biggest mistake of her life by bringing Raine into their marriage. Raine is a Domme and lives the lifestyle. Can she mentor Bryce into becoming a switch? There's plenty at stake for all three of them. Watch the characters evolve and discover their secrets as the story unravels. This book has it all. Intrigue, scorching hot sexual drama, BDSM scenes, and yes, even a tender love story.

Razor is scheduled to come out the first week of July from Sizzler Editions. Pick up Bound for Love and read the first portion of Razor while you wait for the novel version.

August: Night Music

My third release is an exciting ménage for Decadent's new EDGE series. As this short story developed, I have to admit I was surprised at what a romantic tale this was. It's certainly "edgy" - Brielle has never been part of a threesome before and she's barely met Zeke and Tyler. Their night together tops every sexual escapade she's ever had.

Blurb: A quiet, lakeside vacation is just what Brielle needs to decompress after her busy concert season. She expects the weeks to pass uneventfully. Until she meets the men next door.

Tyler and Zeke are as adventurous and sexy as the Harleys they ride. The passion they hear in Brielle's music draws them to her.

Convinced the hunks are gay, Brielle lets down her inhibitions. That turns out to be the best decision she's made in a long time.

Night Music is a provocative short story that might have you hunting for a mountain retreat like Brielle's. Watch for it in August from Decadent Publishing.

If you haven't ever heard of me, please check out my website: and visit my page on Amazon UK page: here And this is my US page: here. I'm also at most electronic retailers.

CONTEST: To thank you for spending a few minutes today, I'm giving away one ebook from my back list. Tell me which title interests you most and why and you could win it! Click here to see which book you could win.


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