Epic NHK 2010 Wrap Up

Oct 25, 2010 11:36

Oh my god, if it was possible to OD on skating, I would have this weekend. Between watching NHK, taking my nephew skating when I babysat him on Saturday, and then going to skate practice on Sunday, it was all the time skating. ALL THE TIME. I didn't OD, case in point I managed this wrap up post. But uhhhhh, I may need a bigger break from it this ( Read more... )

white skates of gender conformity, grand prix 2010-2011

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Comments 6

andantecantible October 25 2010, 16:43:32 UTC
Hee, your thoughts on Yuzuru are eerily similar to what I posted on my journal earlier. And yeah, he's awfully pretty. The hair! Those eyes! His purty lil' face! *_* And yeah I feel like a creep because he's 15, but oh well.


misskittye October 25 2010, 16:58:49 UTC
I remember hearing about how a few people were excited about Yuzuru's season, but it never 100% clicked until I saw him attempt the long debut at... whatever gala/show. He just had these massive triple axels and the sparkliest of all onesies and this sass. It's like he's everything I wanted Adam Rippon to be. I'm glad the fever is catching, and I'm glad I finally caught it.


katienyc October 25 2010, 18:27:04 UTC
I realized this weekend that I am a short program person. I couldn't make it through a lot of the long programs! So I only watched my favorites. I don't know if it was fatigue from watching too much skating, or a short attention span, or because I feel like most long programs peter out towards the end and the skaters are just so tired or what. But the short programs are just so much more fun for me to watch.

I did love Yuzuru and Marlie, of course. And I liked that Florent was skating like a boss and having the most fun, even if I thought a few parts of his program were mottsy. And Elena's ballerina costume was faaabulous.

And Frank Carroll totally won me over with the "you'll live to skate another day" comment. It was just really funny to me. Poor Denis Ten, though. I had to stop watching.

I just wanted to give Mao a hug. I almost wanted her to just leave the rink in the middle of the program because she looked so unhappy. ;__;


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katienyc October 25 2010, 21:47:47 UTC
Hm, you're probably right - because I DO like a lot of long programs I've seen in the past, but I was usually watching video of them from Worlds or Nationals or the Olympics, so it was the end of the season when all the skaters were in peak form. I will keep that in mind as the season goes on, for sure!

I knew that Frank couldn't possibly be evil like people make him out to be, but I guess I just hadn't really thought about him being a nice guy before. He did a good job with Denis, I think. He might be a little gruff for my tastes (complaining about skaters crying in the K&C, for example) but I can see that he's actually a pretty good guy and a good coach.


misskittye October 25 2010, 22:42:53 UTC
A lot of the free skates were pretty uninspired, I thought. People practically looked asleep on the ice! Like, I understand sometimes you want to be elegant or whatever, not campy, but surely Johnny Weir has shown us all that elegant can have attitude. But then again, after four hours of material I was uninspired as well. It was taking a lot of energy to pay attention. Soooooo six of one half a dozen of the other. lol.

And yes to everything you said. Except I did watch all of Denis' program. (I sort of wish I hadn't.)


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misskittye October 25 2010, 22:32:07 UTC
Ahahahaha, um. I am glad he fixed that haircut.

Also, I need a Yuzuru icon.


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