On a different note

Aug 24, 2009 07:53

Three pictures were posted last night of the Jonas Brothers that make me endlessly happy, and since I'm already late to work, why not post 'em?

See them here! )

undercover brother lovers

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Comments 16

mystic8888 August 24 2009, 13:26:10 UTC
Oh god. I love all three pictures soo much.

Pic 1. SERIOUSLY. they can't go without touching each other. really now, boys? shoes? frick. so adorable, i can't handle it anymore haha.


Pic 3. Wow, way to keep it on the dl in front of Kevin. Seriously. You guys look like a couple.


misskittye August 24 2009, 15:09:38 UTC
Those boys are amazing. And weird. Weirdly amazing.


liz_hollis August 24 2009, 13:39:59 UTC
I may have been guilty of staring at Joe's thigh in that skidoo picture for an overly long period of time.


Honestly, could you boys sit any MORE like a couple? Nick's got a proprietary arm around Joe, Joe's leg is RESTING on Nick's, and they're all CURLED into each other. And Kevin's like, "You concern me..."


misskittye August 24 2009, 15:07:55 UTC
Ahahaha, maybe Nick can be your boy, and Joe can be your girl?

Poor Kevin, he seems mostly oblivious but now and again he gets a little weirded out by his brothers and unfortunately I LOVE IT. Like when Joe announces he's going to hold Nick through a song, Kevin genuinely laughs but then sort of... awkwardly puts his arms around them and then two seconds later is like, "Okay, gross, done." But Joe is BY NO MEANS DONE.


th_esaurus August 24 2009, 13:50:06 UTC
I saw that first picture this morning and it made me all breathless ;__; And I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE their shoes were touching. Personal space: Nick and Joe do not have it.

(See bottom picture for further evidence. NICK. YOU ARE PRACTICALLY ON JOE. THIS IS. I CAN'T.)


misskittye August 24 2009, 15:01:02 UTC
SHOES TOUCHING is my FAVORITE! It's just, most men would shift unconsciously away if they felt their shoes touch someone else's, just because that GENERALLY means you're too close to someone. But Nick and Joe do it habitually. Like it's a THING. AND I LOVE IT.

The bottom picture, it looks like any moment Nick is going to just pull Joe into his lap. Seriously.


(The comment has been removed)

misskittye August 24 2009, 14:58:14 UTC
Ahahaha, right? Nick could NOT look any more the part of the bragging boyfriend.

It's one of the things I love about Nick, while Joe is very obvious about things, Nick is just so smoothly and suavely flirtatious with Joe. The little "How you doing?" head nods, constantly putting his arm around Joe, leaning towards him. It's amaaaaazing.


2oclockcheckout August 24 2009, 15:37:27 UTC
Good god, Joe, could your shorts be any shorter?

I also love it when Kevin looks slightly scandalized about Joe and/or Nick being a little inappropriate with one another. It only highlights their weirdness.


misskittye August 24 2009, 15:45:52 UTC
Joe Jonas is an exhibitionist. Hands down. I'm calling it. And it's AWESOME. Think how little he must wear when lounging around his and Nick's shared hotel room?

There are so, so, so many things that Nick and Joe do with each other than you can see them NOT doing with Kevin. And there are so, so, so many times Kevin laughs kinda like, "hahaha, uh, okay!" Like when Joe announced Nick has no body hair. Or when Nick is tongue tied about having been tackle hugged by Joe, Kevin helpfully supplied, "You're not ready for that." But Nick SO is. And it's SO weird.


2oclockcheckout August 24 2009, 15:59:20 UTC
Or in that Q&A they had on Joe's birthday where the interviewer mentions Nick's muscles, so he starts going on about Joe's muscles and it's kind of weird, so Kevin jumps in with a joke about texting.

Joe, on the other hand, is content to just smile sweetly and let Nick be flustered and ramble awkwardly about him.


misskittye August 24 2009, 16:07:45 UTC
While looking his brother's body up and down, if I recall correctly.

Kevin's place in that dynamic is so fascinating to me. I mean, I do like it in fic where he explicitly knows and sort of looks out for them even though he doesn't GET it, but I like it even more when Kevin is oblivious but has a dim idea that his brothers are weird and that he should always, always knock. Always. And not ask questions. I like the idea of Kevin being like that guard from Hogan's Heros. Just spinning around and walking off going "I know NUZZING. I see NUZZING!" when he walks in on their "naptime."


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