
Jul 30, 2009 21:11

Remember this?! Where Joe asks, "What did you get me for my birthday last year?" which is as transparent a "How much do you love me?" type question as one can get. The answer (in case you forgot) is "Motorcycle with a side car!" meaning "I love you lots and lots!"

Refresh your memory:

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Then take a look at this picture!

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undercover brother lovers

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Comments 29

onelittlesleep July 31 2009, 02:22:38 UTC
IT IS SO CUTE IT KILLS ME. Except I wonder if the sidecar was really for Nick's BABY (ELVIS!). I CAN'T HELP IT. SIDECARS ARE GREAT FOR CARTING WELL-BEHAVED DOGGIES. And Kevin was like "OH COOL! WE CAN ALL RIDE TOGETHER!" and Joe and Nick were like "Oooh, OH. RIGHT. UH. YEAH."

And they rode off and Elvis was like "SSSIIIGH," and waited for mom (Joe) and dad (Nick) to get back.


misskittye July 31 2009, 02:30:12 UTC
N'awwwwwwww! I feel like that would make a great plot to a limited release arty film. Like, "Two brothers, one dog, and a motorcycle all on a journey to discover their past..." or you know, WHATEVER.

Just, nng,look at their legs! And how handsome they both are! Why couldn't this picture have been taken from the angle where Kevin doesn't block the boyfriends. But Kevin being in the shot serves to prove that Nick gets the favored position on Joe's dick bike so... I dunno!


onelittlesleep July 31 2009, 02:33:19 UTC
KEVIN IS SO ADORABLE IN ONE OF THOSE OTHER PHOTOS. Um, when he's obviously trying to HIDE from Stella and he's got his HANDS over his face. HA HA HA, KEVIN. SO DORKY.

And he'll probably be REALLY EXCITED about the bike and riding in the sidecar and the HELMET. And Joe and Nick will both be like "UGH. STOP. BE COOL." While they CUDDLE TOGETHER, Nick riding bitch, all snuggled up with their little hips close.


ETA: N'awwwwwwww! I feel like that would make a great plot to a limited release arty film. Like, "Two brothers, one dog, and a motorcycle all on a journey to discover their past..." or you know, WHATEVER.

cuuuute! this sounds like a Diego Luna/Gael movie. (bwahaha, I forgot Gael's name and googled: Diego Luna's boyfriend and there it was!


misskittye July 31 2009, 02:40:57 UTC
And he'll probably be REALLY EXCITED about the bike and riding in the sidecar and the HELMET. And Joe and Nick will both be like "UGH. STOP. BE COOL." While they CUDDLE TOGETHER, Nick riding bitch, all snuggled up with their little hips close.

::whimpers:: It's so TRUUUUE. They wouldn't even think about it because "Duh, that's how you're supposed to ride with two people. All snuggled close and clinging. You know, for SAFETY.

And Kevin continues to amaze me with how adorable he is. I didn't think much could top him with his hand stuck in the locker, but I think him hiding from Stella behind his own hands MIGHT JUST DO IT.


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misskittye July 31 2009, 02:35:28 UTC
I wish I could find the clip of Joe telling people that he wanted a motorcycle with a sidecar for Christmas (and a pug to ride in the sidecar with him). I think it was one of the Band on a Bus eps maybe??


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misskittye July 31 2009, 02:42:55 UTC
I think he mentioned it in a live chat too but I specifically remember they were all in a car, and Joe was on the phone with, I believe People magazine (which I forgot to capitalize in the previous comment, lol) that he wanted a side car. I'm sure he said something about chicks noticing a guy with a motorcycle. He was in one his adorable, "I'm just gonna say shit" moods.


mozarts_friend July 31 2009, 02:28:02 UTC
Auggh that Moviefone interview is still my favorite interview EVER. They should always always be allowed to just interview each other, hahah.


misskittye July 31 2009, 02:33:45 UTC
Looooove the moviefone interview. When I first got into fandom I watched it over and over again for Joe's javelin crack, and Kevin's geek laugh, and Nick trying to hide the fact that he's laughing at Joe's bad jokes. Oh! And Kevin knowing the answers to Joe's question and just... Love it!


mozarts_friend July 31 2009, 02:50:19 UTC
Hahaha the part where Nick and Joe reminisce about the last time they rode bikes is my faavorite.

Also, I love how Nick riding bitch is a recurring thing, first with Miley and the jetski and now with Joe, hahaha. You'd think Nick Jonas of all people would refuse to ride bitch to anyone.


misskittye July 31 2009, 03:23:00 UTC
Ohhhhh where they talk about riding bikes. ::SIGH!:: Why are they so adorable? Who allowed them to get this adorable?

Also, I love how Nick riding bitch is a recurring thing

Ahahaha! I hadn't thought of jetski'ing with Miley though at the time it gave me a giggle. Seems like Nick has a habit of falling in love with people that are pushy about their traditionally single rider modes of transportation.

Nick Jonas: He's All Talk.


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misskittye July 31 2009, 02:36:48 UTC
I want a JONAS ep period. I need fresh JONAS in my life like YESTERDAY. My life has been LESS ENJOYABLE with JONAS eps in it.


onlyaminorthrt July 31 2009, 02:53:42 UTC
Is it strange to be SO PUMPED for this episode!? All of sunday I'm just gonna be like, SKGJDZFGJDFKJGD JONAS!! ahaha. :D


misskittye July 31 2009, 03:23:42 UTC
Haha, God, me too. I did not expect to love this show so much. But I love it. SO MUCH.


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