Title: Act III Fandom: Star Wars Character: Padme/Anakin Prompt: #72-Fixed Word Count: 774 Rating: PG-13 Author's Notes: Part three of my five-part Passion Play series.
I barely know where to begin. First, the fact that this is a struggle on so many levels - a struggle between Padme and Vader, but between Padme and her own impulses to fall into his arms, and Padme and her destiny - or the Force's destiny for her.
---why do I still burn for you?---
Stars that just turned my heart over. I really applaud Padme for standing up to him (and herself) the way she did. And yes, I also agree that now that she has said no for the first time, it would be progressively easier.
I really expected Vader to just pick her in his arms as he did the last time and kiss her until she couldn't think. That he he didn't do so is a testimony to his professed inexperience, and also to the adoration'he has for her.
There's something so traumatic of it all. Of being connected, by some metaphysical entity, to someone whom your every instinct is to hate.
Comments 1
I barely know where to begin. First, the fact that this is a struggle on so many levels - a struggle between Padme and Vader, but between Padme and her own impulses to fall into his arms, and Padme and her destiny - or the Force's destiny for her.
---why do I still burn for you?---
Stars that just turned my heart over. I really applaud Padme for standing up to him (and herself) the way she did. And yes, I also agree that now that she has said no for the first time, it would be progressively easier.
I really expected Vader to just pick her in his arms as he did the last time and kiss her until she couldn't think. That he he didn't do so is a testimony to his professed inexperience, and also to the adoration'he has for her.
There's something so traumatic of it all. Of being connected, by some metaphysical entity, to someone whom your every instinct is to hate.
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