Genre Tables

Oct 31, 2007 19:43

These are the Genre Tables. You can swap out any three prompts for a word of you choice, the important thing is that the Crack!Fic Table is filled full of Crack!Fic, and the Angst!Fic Table is filled full of Angst!Fic and so forth, please don’t let me find a Crack!Fic in your Angst/Hurt-Comfort Table.

   Slash/Femslash If you’ve claimed General series you can do this table for both if you want. You don’t have to provide over the top graphic smut, but there must be at least some hint of Slash.

01.Lip-Stick02.Grass03.We Shouldn’t04.Watched05.Distract06.Sparkle07.Music08.Painting09.Fur10.Magical

01.Lip-Stick 02.Grass
03.We Shouldn’t 04.Watched
05.Distract 06.Sparkle
07.Music 08.Painting
09.Fur 10.Magical

   Het-Slash Again, you don’t have to write graphic sex scenes, but we need at least a hint of something going on.


01.Anthem 02.Festive
03.Hat 04.Car
05.Observe 06.Tingle
07.Sand 08.Breeze
09.Ring 10.Badge

    Gen-Fic Keep it clean.


01.Glass 02.Den
03.Spoken 04.Tale
05.Leaf 06.Dig
07.Keen 08.Building
09.Sky 10.Under


01.Snuggle02.Lie In03.Cuddle04.Candy05.Dance06.Flirt07.Stolen Kisses08.Lazy Sunday09.Heart10.Love

01.Snuggle 02.Lie In
03.Cuddle 04.Candy
05.Dance 06.Flirt
07.Stolen Kisses 08.Lazy Sunday
09.Heart 10.Love


01.Fight02.Phone Call03.Dare04.Play05.Rough Housing06.Retro07.Kitten08.Hair09.Weird10.Apologise

01.Fight 02.Phone Call
03.Dare 04.Play
05.Rough Housing 06.Retro
07.Kitten 08.Hair
09.Weird 10.Apologise


01.Broken02.Lost03.Thinking Of You04.Deprived05.Regret06.I Wish07.If Only08.Heartsick09.Change10.Miss You

01.Broken 02.Lost
03.Thinking Of You 04.Deprived
05.Regret 06.I Wish
07.If Only 08.Heartsick
09.Change 10.Miss You


01.Pain02.Sore03.Sick04.Broken05.Fix Me06.Distrust07.Hold Me08.Haunted09.Forgive10.Blanket

01.Pain 02.Sore
03.Sick 04.Broken
05.Fix Me 06.Distrust
07.Hold Me 08.Haunted
09.Forgive 10.Blanket

    Plot? What Plot?

01.Up Against The Wall02.Under The Stars03.On The Desk04.In The Elevator/Lift05.Theatre Cloakroom06.Angry!Sex07.Hate!Sex08.Spontaneous!Sex09.Sleepy!Sex10.Afternoon Delight

01.Up Against The Wall 02.Under The Stars
03.On The Desk 04.In The Elevator/Lift
05.Theatre Cloakroom 06.Angry!Sex
07.Hate!Sex 08.Spontaneous!Sex
09.Sleepy!Sex 10.Afternoon Delight

    Pounce!Porn A sub-genre of PWP that I’m shamelessly pimping in order to increase it. Remember, one of the parties must be clueless about the other’s intentions until it’s too late.

01.All Work And No Play…02.Surprise!03.There’s Something On Your Face04.Nobody’s Looking05.People Are Staring06.Quick, In Here!07.Did They See Us?08.Oh, Hello Officer…09.Where Did That Go?10.You’re Gorgeous When You’re Angry

01.All Work And No Play… 02.Surprise!
03.There’s Something On Your Face 04.Nobody’s Looking
05.People Are Staring 06.Quick, In Here!
07.Did They See Us? 08.Oh, Hello Officer…
09.Where Did That Go? 10.You’re Gorgeous When You’re Angry

    Cross-Over You can swap out any and all of these prompts for other TV shows/Books/Movies/Comics. The Cross-Over is the important part ;)   (Edit:  You can write up to three fics per crossover 'verse, BUT it must be three separate stories, not three chapters of the same fic.)

01.Dr Who02.Heroes03.Quantum Leap04.Supernatural05.Firefly06.Star Gate07.X-Files08.Battlestar Galactica09.South Park10.MacGyver

01.Dr Who 02.Heroes
03.Quantum Leap 04.Supernatural
05.Firefly 06.Star Gate
07.X-Files 08.Battlestar Galactica
09.South Park 10.MacGyver

    AU Pick your own, because obviously they’re going to be different for every Fandom.

01.What If…?02.What If…?03.What If…?04.What If…?05.What If…?06.What If…?07.What If…?08.What If…?09.What If…?10.What If…?

01.What If…? 02.What If…?
03.What If…? 04.What If…?
05.What If…? 06.What If…?
07.What If…? 08.What If…?
09.What If…? 10.What If…?

Meta/Mind-Bend provided by
vibishan    You can swap out three of these tables for a surrealist situation which fits the theme of the table, or an essay on an aspect of canon/fanon/meta.
 01.Character(s) reading fanfiction02.Character(s) writing fanfiction03.Character(s) discover significant spoilers for their own canon events04.One Character discovers/realises the fictionality of their universe and a way to communicate with their creator(s)05.One Character has secretly been replaced for most of their action by another character in disguise who left the story/was thought to have time travelled/died06.One Character is actually God/the author of the canon/fanon work07.A story told in epistolary format between two (or more) characters who are both (or all) lying to each other08.A story told from the POV of a Character who turns out to be dead09.A story in which the universe is two dimensional10.A story with an unsolvable paradox

01.Character(s) reading fanfiction 02.Character(s) writing fanfiction
03.Character(s) discover significant spoilers for their own canon events 04.One Character discovers/realises the fictionality of their universe and a way to communicate with their creator(s)
05.One Character has secretly been replaced for most of their action by another character in disguise who left the story/was thought to have time travelled/died 06.One Character is actually God/the author of the canon/fanon work
07.A story told in epistolary format between two (or more) characters who are both (or all) lying to each other 08.A story told from the POV of a Character who turns out to be dead
09.A story in which the universe is two dimensional 10.A story with an unsolvable paradox

  Macro Tell a story using screencaps from your chosen fandom.

01.Love 02.Funny
03.Light 04.Dark
05.Missed 06.Moment
07.Hope 08.Think
09.Time 10.Sad

  Graphic Tell the story in the form of a graphic novel or comic strip. There is no minimum word count on this, although the comic must have a narrative of some kind. You can draw it yourself or collaborate with an artist, but please credit the artist appropriately.
 01.Waiting02.Lost03.Fight04.Comfort/td> 05.Spent06.Fly07.Date08.Slip09.Break10.Thrill

01.Waiting 02.Lost
03.Fight 04.Comfort/td>
05.Spent 06.Fly
07.Date 08.Slip
09.Break 10.Thrill

  (Auto)Biography Write ten biographical fics for your Character(s), possibly in the form of memoirs. The fictional story should be handled as if it's non-fiction. Like the AU table, his one is going to be different for every fandom, so it's free choice.

01.Memory 02.Memory
03.Memory 04.Memory
05.Memory 06.Memory
07.Memory 08.Memory
09.Memory 10.Memory

  Non-Fiction  This is something a little different for a fic challenge, I'm looking for non-fiction entries about your claim. Again, it's free choice, because it will be different for every fandom, but this is your chance to write that report on the science of superpowers or magic, make reference to the works of Shakespeare or Monomyths, or just explain why a particular character speaks to the fandom. Have fun.
 01.Free Choice02.Free Choice03.Free Choice04.Free Choice05.Free Choice06.Free Choice07.Free Choice08.Free Choice09.Free Choice10.Free Choice

01.Free Choice 02.Free Choice
03.Free Choice 04.Free Choice
05.Free Choice 06.Free Choice
07.Free Choice 08.Free Choice
09.Free Choice 10.Free Choice

  Taster Table If you fancy a shot at most of the Genres listed, but don’t think you’re up to writing ten fics per Genre, here’s a taster table so you can have a go at ten of them. Pick one of the prompts available on the tables for each Genre, you can swap out any of these prompts for another genre listed on this page.

01.Slash (m/m, f/m or f/f)02.Gen03.Fluff04.Crack05.Angst06.Hurt/Comfort07.Plot? What Plot?08.Pounce!Porn09.Cross-Over10.AU

01.Slash (m/m, f/m or f/f) 02.Gen
03.Fluff 04.Crack
05.Angst 06.Hurt/Comfort
07.Plot? What Plot? 08.Pounce!Porn
09.Cross-Over 10.AU

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