One of my long term goals is to educate people about the Tasmanian Devil. I've been waiting for a time to post to this community about the issue. I figure I'll do it now.
First off, I want to say that publicizing this issue should not, and is not meant to, detract attention from the recent bush fires in that country. Please consider both issues if you plan on donating somewhere.
Basically, what's going on is that these little guys, the size of dogs,
suffer from a horrible epidemic of facial cancer. This cancer is infectious! It actually spreads when they bite each other. (They bite when they are threatened territorially, or during mating...aww. love bite.) The cancer threatens to wipe out the whole species within decades.
For more info, here's the best article I've read on the subject: a link to the facebook group: and a few organizations you can donate at: I hope it's ok that I posted this. Good luck on all your lists. =D
Gah! Infernal cut is not working, so I'll put in a less disturbing picture.