List #4

Oct 08, 2017 17:15

Here is my fourth list. Again going for the sensible end, and again eagerly, perhaps even more (good thing I had a good list of suggestions of what to do available with a lot of choices).

From October 9th 2017 to July 6th 2020


1. Write, post and print this list

Health and Body

2. Make a good 'taking care of teeth' plan and follow it
3. Reach your goal weight
4. (After losing weight) plan the post-weight loss diet, and start following it
5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water/day
6. Cut out chocolate that isn’t given to me (until I see fit to be strong enough to buy any again, wisely this time)
7. Plan and begin 1) workout routine 2) weight routine
8. Start getting up immediately after waking up every day
9. Start and maintain new morning and evening bathroom routines
10. Get that Tetanus shot
11. Continue to remind yourself to improve your posture, and remember to keep feet on the floor in a proper way when sitting

Family and Friends

12. Buy flowers for mother (when it's not her birthday, Mother's Day or Christmas)
13. List what you are really looking for in another person (keep things realistic)


14. Buy something odd that someone wouldn't assume you would like but you actually do
15. Go to a bookshop, close your eyes, grab a book at random and buy it (have another go if you already have a copy, or you * absolutely * can't stand the idea of reading it)

16. Buy ten new items of clothing with your own money [0/10]
17. Buy something from Lush
18. Buy two silver chains for your jewelry (that are long enough to not be too close to your neck)
19. Get an extra loop on the rosary bracelet
20. Select one (now-dead) author and buy all the books you haven't bought yet (using the bibliography if needed)


a.Everything but reading
21. Listen to more classical music to find more favorites
22. Buy the 3 remaining Neil Young albums you haven't bought
23. Spend an entire day listening to the Beatles Anthology, all the way through
24. Watch 101 movies you haven't seen before
25. Watch either half or the third of the films you have not yet watched (even once) - in your collection, especially from the older purchases
26. List all the movies you watch during this challenge-round (including rewatches)
27. Watch 5 or more TV series you haven't seen a single episode of [0/5]
28. Finish 3 (or more) TV series that are partly watched already [0/3]

29. Finish all the unfinished books
30. Break your 50bookschallenge record during one year (96 or more)
31. Read all your unread manga
32. Read all unread books on (one shelf/row of your choice)
33. Read at least three book series (2+ books); unfinished series also count
34. Read every Jane Austen novel you need to still read
35. Read every Tolkien book you still need to read
36. Choose an author you own all books (you want) of (not-Austen/Tolkien) and read the unread ones
37. Read five books by Finnish authors (no re-reads) [0/5]
38. Read 5 autobiographies, including that of someone you admire [0/5]
39. Memorise a poem
40. On Goodreads: write reviews for books you have read that have none yet


41. Prune out all unnecessary magazine pages from the ones you've saved
42. Set up a regular house cleaning schedule
43. Change your sheets every four months
44. Organise a recycling place in the kitchen and closet (incl. Paper, cartons, metal, glass)
45. Organise all the letters and postcards you have received, and find a place to keep them


46. Participate in Earth Hour (each March)


47. Go through your cookbooks to makes notes of kitchen equipment you still need
48. Try a new kind of fruit
49. Try at least 3 flavors of ice cream you haven't tasted before (not flavors you know you dislike)
50. Order something in a restaurant you haven't tasted yet don't know you dislike (cashew-using excluded)
51. Have afternoon tea in a café
52. Buy a box of hand-picked expensive chocolates

Money and Possessions

53. Save 1000 or 3000 Euros on your card-free bank account
54. Donate three 3-number sums to charity/charities of your choice [0/3]
55. Make a list of all the 'essential' (to you) things you'd like to take with you if you suddently had to leave your home for good


56. Climb a tree
57. Spend the night outside (summer only)
58. Start on unusual collection (that doesn't take much space)
59. Collect a jar of pretty pebbles (starting on it counts as work done, if you're still actively filling it at deadline time)
60. Blow soap bubbles
61. Have a Dice Day (make choices with a dice 24 hours)
62. Leave 10 pieces of guerrilla writing in public (5 library, 5 bookshop books) [0/10]
63. Sit barefoot in the grass
64. Start a holiday tradition
65. Write a letter to future you (choose a reading point in time)
66. Buy and color an entire coloring book

Non-School Learning and Extra-Curricular

67. Check at least 5 each of museums and art exhibitions [0/10]
68. Learn new Finnish words at least once a month
69. Learn at least one new English word a week
70. Try to do the same as above with French (or something from its grammar)
71. Learn (at least one) new way to tie a rope from one of your Boy Scout Handbooks
72. Learn Solitaire on cards
73. Learn at least one one-person domino game
74. Become more skilled at using chopsticks
75. Make 5 paper snowflakes [0/5]


76. Get rid of the 2 habits 'standing in the way'
77. Start reading the Bible * twice * a day!
78. Go to the Cathedral and light a candle for (person(s))
79. Make your own Christian vows
80. Memorise seven deadly sins and seven cardinal virtues (repeatedly if needed)
81. Memorise the Ten Commandments (repeatedly if needed)
82. Make an effort to make a dent in your unread 'Christian' books (can even read all if possible)
83. Go to SETA’s religious meetings
84. Start keeping a hand-written Christian notebook
85. Make habit of contemplating the Crucifix

Me + Clothes

86. Discover a fashion muse, and let it inspire your fashion
87. Wear a perfume (or more if one runs out before days are done) of your choice for 100 days
88. Make a to-do list daily for a month
89. Figure out your style, and make your wardrobe to suit that
90. Wear your glasses in public at least once a month
91. Think of something positive about yourself and say it to yourself in the mirror for a week
92. Identify 30 things you like about yourself, and 101 things that make you happy
93. Identify 5 bad habits (outside the two you know you should get rid of), and work to end them


94. Get the last photo roll developed
95. Write a list of 5 good things that happened each day
96. Dance
97. Fast for a cause (bread'n'water style) for one day, three times [0/3]
98. Cut out articles from newspapers that inspire/give hope
99. Go to the beach at the end of Ruissalo park, three times [0/3]
100. Make a list of countries and cities you have visited (airpot-visits count)
101. Go on a midnight picnic (summer only)
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