139 Days Left and some thoughts...

Feb 08, 2014 23:53

My final days are rapidly approaching and I'm getting a really good feel for what I will still be able to complete in the time that's left. I also have a few thoughts about how this challenge has gone for me overall.

In the end (even though it's not quite "the end" yet), I feel like giving myself 1001 days to complete tasks is too much time. There are a lot of goals on my list that are no longer relevant to my lifestyle or that I lost interest in along the way. This is actually my second list, and I quit my first list for that same reason--because so much of it became irrelevant to my life after a certain point. I feel like this kills the point of me doing this challenge.

So at the beginning of the year, I made a list of 52 things to do in 52 weeks. It's been kind of hard to pay attention to it on top of what is already on my mission101 list, but halfway through the year I'll be done with that and I'll be able to catch up on my new list. (I think you're supposed to do one task every week, but I like having the freedom to choose when I complete tasks and how many I do at a time.)

Anyway, here is my current mission101 progress!

STARTING DATE: October 1, 2011
ENDING DATE: June 28, 2014


Newly Completed

Newly Failed
Goals having to do with visiting Tokyo, since I'm not planning on going anytime soon.

Earn 200 ribbons on poupeegirl by dressing up every day for a month for 5 non-consecutive months
The site is shutting down, so I stopped caring.

Will fail if not started by a certain date:
By April 5: Balance our bank accounts every weekend for 3 months
By the end of May: Anything that needs to be done "for 30 days"


Research 13 new topics I should know more about
I have been reading more and more about feminism but nothing about the other topics on my list. I don't mind if I fail this if it's due to obsessive research in gender politics :x The original goal was to be able to write a blog post about each topic, but I don't think I can do that with this. I think I might need to start an entire blog about it...

So far, besides watching a lot of Youtube videos on feminism and anti-feminism, I watched a PBS segment on Elizabeth Cady-Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, read What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us by Danielle Crittenden which was basically about my life, and am halfway through an Opposing Viewpoints book about feminism. I feel like I'm getting a better grasp on what feminism is and the different types of it. It's helping me to solidify my values so that I can find the niche I belong to. I don't think I could become a feminist, but I don't think I'm anti-feminist either.

Make a list of magical items I want and buy them (for altar or otherwise)
I just have one thing left and I am waiting for inspiration (aka procrastinating). I might just buy a statuette instead of making one. I don't know yet.

Read the Bible
I am almost halfway through!

Read Initiation Into Hermetics
I WAS halfway through, right? I don't remember anymore...

Make a list of at least 5 artists I want albums from, and buy or receive them (as gifts)
I'm going to wait until the last minute to buy the rest since it can be completed instantly. I think I only need 2 or 3 more.

Try 300 new recipes
I'll be satisfied if I make it to 200. 300 recipes is A LOT OF RECIPES and I would really just like to start re-making my favorites instead of searching for new ones every night.

Read at least 20 different religion-related books
1. What Witches Do
2. Sweat Your Prayers
3. The Flowering Rod
4. The Witches' Bible
5. Scent in Ritual (guide book)
6. Be a Goddess!
7. Bonewits' Essential Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft

Create 8 brand-new significant works of art, and possibly show them in galleries
Totally procrastinating on this.

Post 100 photos of my clothing and accessories on poupeegirl (6/100)

Repair all garments in my "repair" pile

Memorize 3 Wiccan texts
I'm working on the Witches' Creed.

Hang 60 drawings from the walls of my art room
I stopped because my art room became the baby room, but I think I will keep hanging up my drawings anyway.

Do and take photos of 6 interesting makeup tutorials. Buy new makeup if necessary (1/6)

Write my personal manifesto
Hopefully I started this when I was recently inspired to do so, because I forgot what this was all about again.

Complete one chapter (issue) of a comic and sell it
In pitifully slow progress.

Make a bio website for my grandfather's art
Spoke to aunt. Got a portfolio and need to photograph that as well as his art around my parents' house.

Make a list of 6 significant wardrobe additions and purchase them
I think I have a list now. Hopefully it's still on the fridge where I left it. I'm counting my winter coat, so I'm moving this to In Progress.

Balance our bank accounts every weekend for 3 months

Found a site that will do this wayyyyy more efficiently than my last program. I have checked it for 3 weekends straight so far. All I've had to do is make sure the categories are correct.


Do a daily devotional every day for a month

Wake up at 8:30 every morning for at least 30 consecutive days
I do seriously need to start this since I'll be babysitting early in the morning starting next month.

Go to bed before 11pm every night for a month
This too.

Start a compost pile
Look into this when there is no more snow.

Make a fansite for Tomoko Taniguchi and possibly other shoujo artists
Waiting for the day I feel like updating her Wikipedia article.

Make a family tree
In progress but not a priority right now.

Learn Japanese
Downloaded some games onto my new tablet.

Learn Latin

Finish all four handmade wands; this includes decorating at least one

Practice 30-second figure drawings every day for 30 days

Fully produce 3 of my own songs

Translate 60 songs from Japanese to English, and 13 from English to Japanese

Read 1 manga starting with each letter of the alphabet

Read 3 non-manga graphic novels

Do all exercises in The Natural Way to Draw

Read 3 ancient texts about either religion or philosophy

Take pictures of 30 outfits and store them in a fashion diary tag

Make 13 rag dolls

Get 30 Wii Fit credits every day for 30 days

Produce a garden and harvest everything from it at least once

Meditate daily for 30 days

Update my diary every week for a month

Dry-clean all my dresses

Learn JavaScript

Make one program with each language I know or used to know

Learn how to belly dance

Translate my website into Spanish

Organize my music collection

Read through the Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allen Poe collections I already own

Finish writing the first draft of Daisuke's story


Start a retirement fund
Probably not ever happening, but at least I have life insurance?

Finish writing the first draft of Rue's story
I've been thinking about Rue more often. Maybe I'll move this back into "I care" zone again.

Complete one graphic novel and sell it
May be doable. I probably won't sell it, though.

Complete one entire graphic novel arc
I doubt I will finish in a few months, but I guess we'll see.

Finish writing Dragon Age 2 fanfics for Evangeline
Definitely do not give a crap anymore. I will type up the notes I have laying around for posterity's sake.

Write a one-shot for not!Garrett
I started doing this, but will probably not finish. I care even less about Garrett than I do about Evangeline.

Cosplay Fenris
Changed my mind.

Write or obtain a contract and rates list, and have a lawyer look over the contract

Go to Disney World with Sylithrandir
Probably in about 4 years, so this I will probably fail.

Create 30 brand-new prints
So far I have made 1 on my own, and released another thanks to deviantart. I don't know if it's worth it to try for 30 since nobody buys what I already have. For personal reference, they were Datura and Bloody Melancholy.

Go to 3 dances with sylithrandir (ballroom dancing)

Donate some of my convention proceeds to a charity
This requires selling at a convention, which I don't plan on doing for awhile.

Go swimming for exercise 7 times in the summer
Failed, unless I go swimming during the final month.

Watch all of Sailor Moon by summer 2013 (or before the new one comes out)

Take on 3 freelance projects from strangers
I'm focusing on art for myself right now. I can't even motivate myself to do trades or contests.

Finish all the games I own
lllooooollll I really suck at gaming.

Make a new version of my website in spring 2012

Finish the RoKulie Challenge! Sketch a character and write a short bio about them for at least 22 characters

Henna my hair (for a year)

Take a year's worth of ballroom dancing lessons with sylithrandir

Perform 1 spell a month for 12 months

Play Wii Fit every day for 6 months

Live in Japan
They turned him down ;_;

Experience a Japanese holiday season (Christmas/New Year)

Visit Tokyo
I have no plans to do this before my time is up.

Go to a Visual concert while in Tokyo
Well I'm obviously not going to be in Tokyo before June.

Attend Tokyo Dark Castle or Alamode Night
See above.

Earn 200 ribbons on poupeegirl by dressing up every day for a month for 5 non-consecutive months
I failed because I missed a day in January and stopped caring after that. Kind of hard to care about a site that has basically been given the death sentence (is shutting down). It's not like I need the ribbons anymore.
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