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Comments 5

king_edmund July 2 2010, 03:08:02 UTC
Twilight promotes things about romance that are not real or good. Plus the acting and the writing are bad so...


ladyfaith3 July 2 2010, 12:12:36 UTC
I just posted about Twilight before reading this LOL. I posted that I try to stay away from these generes because I don't like where it takes my mood. Romance in general is sort of a no-no with it's unrealistic depiction of "love" I have been married seven years and sometimes love is small and simple, a smile, hug, or just knowing the other person so well...the infatuation stage sort of moves over for something more constant and deeply personal :) No brooding pouting vampires or conflict of right and wrong LOL


misshoneybee July 2 2010, 14:41:05 UTC
I saw that after I posted mine. lol
Yes, most romance novels are rather unrealistic, so I'm trying to stay away from them in general, too. (Do I always succeed? No.)


misshoneybee July 2 2010, 17:43:23 UTC
Some are better than others, of course, with little to no romance, so I try to stick to those, or ones that are more realistic.


princess_mia July 2 2010, 14:31:04 UTC
I haven't read the books, but the articles are interesting...


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