I can't tell time either!!! I really struggle! I've purposely bought an analogue watch to FORCE me to learn, but I physically can't read clocks with no numbers. I can just about cope with clocks with numbers but it takes a while.
And I also chew my knuckle when I'm thinking something over.
It really sucks. I feel stupid that I have to ask everyone the time xD I just pretend I'm not wearing a watch haha I can tell if i know it's seven and the hand is like quarter past or twenty to and what-not, but not if I have no real idea what the time is xD
Comments 4
And I also chew my knuckle when I'm thinking something over.
You always find shiny memes :D and yush you do need to reply to roleplays! Poor Josef is chomping at the metaphorical bit to munch on Red *evillaugh*
Ooh Josef and his metaphorical bit :P
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