I feeeeeeel so out of place. I mean, how? A gazillion things must've happened with Amortentia!!
During High School our school service vehicle was a little green van we called the Green Muggle Bus. Almost everyone inside the bus was a raving Harry Potter fan and everyone who wasn't was converted before the end of the school year.
Say she went on a trek for some creature, and found it. I dunno. Luna validated for her beliefs always was something I'd love to see. Plus, Hermione can not believe her and *POOF* character interaction.
That. is. so cool! Hahaha, a whole bus load of Pooterheads. Awesome!
Comments 5
Also, green muggle bus?
I love Luna. You need to come back. Creole!Luna FTW
fandom forever I'm probably going to still be rumaging around for some good fluff for a long time to come.
During High School our school service vehicle was a little green van we called the Green Muggle Bus. Almost everyone inside the bus was a raving Harry Potter fan and everyone who wasn't was converted before the end of the school year.
That. is. so cool! Hahaha, a whole bus load of Pooterheads. Awesome!
I need a 'I trusted Snape' badge!
Always trusted him.
Always loved him.
Always Snape.
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