Tree Project Day 56 and kitty pictures!

Jul 21, 2009 21:45

I'm leaving a bit earlier for work so the lighting is slightly different. Only by 15 minutes, but it's interesting to see. Though I have to say that summer has got to be the most boring season to observe change, at least in California. I'm not complaining about the sun and blue sky (though I will complain about the over 100 degree days that ( Read more... )

tree project 2009, cats

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Comments 10

cookie2697 July 22 2009, 04:52:31 UTC
Hmmm...I recognize that basket of towels...

...and you've changed your layout! How pretty!


missalee July 22 2009, 05:10:06 UTC
LOL, the funny part is that's a different basket of towels then the last time. It's inevitable that they end up there.

Thanks! I thought it was time for a change and with my recent obsession this seemed fitting.


morrighangw July 22 2009, 04:56:19 UTC
HEEE!!!! Kitties!! Good grief, Gallifrey has gotten HUGE! I remember when he was an itty-bitty little kitten and you could pick him up in one hand!


missalee July 22 2009, 05:10:59 UTC
He has gotten big, though he's still smaller then Padua. I think he may still have a bit of growing to do. But it's hard to imagine him as small as he was but you're right, he was that small once!


medievalmuse July 22 2009, 05:21:17 UTC
Kitty LOVE!!!


anonymous July 22 2009, 12:59:36 UTC
Your boys are ADORABLE!!!! I'm looking forward to your tree slideshow. That tree is beautiful. Pam


avictoriangirl July 22 2009, 14:50:49 UTC
Awwww. Your kitties are so sweet. ♥ LOL, what is it about fresh laundry that attracts them? Maybe because it's still warm from the dryer?


missalee July 23 2009, 03:49:32 UTC
I think that must be it! If I come in and set the basket down even for a second they are right in it before I can even turn my back. I think they like the smell and how warm it is. Of course, if I could jump into a big pile of warm laundry the size of a small hill I'd probably do it too!


missalee July 23 2009, 04:14:25 UTC
I think that must be it! If I come in and set the basket down even for a second they are right in it before I can even turn my back. I think they like the smell and how warm it is. Of course, if I could jump into a big pile of warm laundry the size of a small hill I'd probably do it too!


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