I've become obsessed with watching my mediafire tracker - Gothier Green Lawns is my third most popular Downtown lot (behind the House of Fallen Trees and the apartment) which is rather amazing considering it only went up a week ago. And it only has two comments :( I think uploading stuff makes you aware of one thing - comments are awesome. As I'm notorious for not commenting when I grab stuff, I'm really going to have to do more commenting XD /end babble
So, this is the last Bluewater Village make-over that I've done - I got distracted by shiny things elsewhere - but I'll get back to making over BWV eventually.
Red! <3!
I've tried to keep this sparse and a bit posh looking.
Inside it is very simple - not much on sale here.
Yup, the bathroom has a see-through door.
DOWNLOAD (Size: 430kb) (No CC!)
I have all EPs & SPs, so be aware if you are downloading.