These are the themes I use for my phone, I'm currently using the DSRK theme. All I get are SMSs so when someone does call me I let it ring for a while. Hehehe...
I'd like to customise my NDS too but it's pink so what Megaten theme can I use for that. >_>
WARNING: The uploaded music is LOUD for reasons beyond my control.
shoo bee doo bee )
Comments 16
I once put DDS2's battle theme as my ringtone and I also let it ring for while when someone's calling me XDXD.
And I feel like you should get pictures of Moh Shuvuu, Alice, Pixie, and High Pixie and spew those over your Pink NDS. xD
Atlus should make stickers of them like they did with Jack Frosts.
Alright, I don't think this is the orginal site, but it looks close enough. I'll try to find the orginal at some point--if this isn't it, of course. Anyways, you just upload a photo/picture onto it, resize it, move it around, and so on in their custom thing, and than I think they ship you the skin. It's not some flimsy print thing, it actually covers your ds. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys about it.
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