
Nov 12, 2010 19:02

Whoo, Yuletide! I picked a really weird group of fandoms for this: a book, a video game, a TV show, and a painting? But I'd be thrilled with fic for any of them!

Cutting to spare poor flist )

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Comments 4

perverbially November 13 2010, 02:46:57 UTC
Olympia (painting), because ever since I first saw it I wanted porn. Art appreciation: doin' it rong.

...if this is wrong, I pray I am never right.

Do. Want.


miss_prince November 13 2010, 03:25:05 UTC
That painting is sexy as all hell, seriously. Precisely because it's so blunt and in your face about it.


drive-by omg fanbeatsman November 13 2010, 12:46:43 UTC
Sakura Wars! Hazel picked that up totally on a whim a while back and completely fell in love with it. And spent the whole time trying to get Subaru as the love interest :D


Re: drive-by omg miss_prince November 13 2010, 16:38:22 UTC
Yay, awesome! I loved it a bunch and it seems like no one's played it!

Subaru was totally the best love interest by far. I didn't do so great in the Subaru chapter and had to do some catching up on the Christmas date to make that ending possible.

Haha, I just screwed with that sentence to avoid using a pronoun, even though Subaru seems fine with everyone using "she" all the time. Canon genderqueerness though, that never gets undermined! Totally didn't expect that from this game. And the ending is so cute.


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