trekreversebang sorting has commenced. I know who I've got because I recognized the style, although that was not my driving motivation and it was actually a near thing because I reversed my claims order at the last moment. There was some truly stunning art that I could never have come up with a quality story for, so I made my choices on what I thought I could
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Comments 30
Hear hear!
I adore Gena Rowlands, but have serious, serious qualms about how the episode played out. I'm not expecting some kind of moral lesson or ethical perfection from them, but they've been questionable for me for a while. I think it went downhill with Ziva, and the seemingly casual acceptance of torture. (I want to like her, I really do. But...) And tehn there's the okay-ing of extrajudicial revenge.
Rena Sofer need to leave, and never ever visit the set. The character and her relationship with Gibbs are just wrong, wrong, wrong.
And I think I've babbled enough in your journal. :)
Or that could just be the consequence of watching my boys getting pasted by the Bolts tonight. :-/
Everyone else I've bitched at about NCIS & the spin-off told me I was (more) nuts, that this season has been just as good as the past years, etc. etc. etc. I can forgive a bad episode here and there, or maybe one not to my taste, but there have been too many crap episodes this season. That said, the last episode with Abby & the puppy made me melt into pieces :-)
I think the only reason I watch NCIS:LA is that I've enjoyed LL Cool J's deadpan snark for ages. The Hetty character, which I really want to like, is a little too deus ex machina, the plots often follow the same formula, and removing one of your "main" characters halfway into your FIRST season could be read as a sign you don't think things are working.
And, Pesach? Oh, yeah this is an "early" year. Yeep!
Besides, she looked adorable on that Segway. ;)
As I stood at Whole Foods looking at their Passover display shelves, I hear "if you come to the meat department, we are pleased to put out for sampling our first corned beef for St. Patrick's Day".
I actually did check out the Pesach section at the supermarket last week. The locusts hadn't been through yet, so there was actually a fair selection. I anticipate getting myself another package of "gefilte fish" (i.e., k-l-p Swedish fish)....
I was pretty meh on the mother-in-law ep. Gena Rowlands is interesting but I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. And she's just a leeettle creepy what with her stalking of Gibbs but I'm willing to wait for it.
Hettie is just marvelous on NCIS:LA! She totally reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's mother, whom I adore. I have a bit of trouble with the whole boathouse thing, but it makes for an interesting backdrop I guess.
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