Write Every Day! November - Day #6

Nov 07, 2017 00:15

Previous posts: Day #1, Day #2, Day #3, Day #4, Day #5

Today's writing:
I managed to compensate for the 300 words missing yesterday and then hit today's word count (1.6k), so all in all not bad -- even though not all of those words are very usable, lol.


Day #1: miss_morland, sylvanwitch, ysilme, esteliel,
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#3, #5, #4, #2, #1, write every day

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Comments 5

cornerofmadness November 8 2017, 01:35:25 UTC
Congrats on making up your count. I got a measly 560


miss_morland November 8 2017, 23:37:29 UTC
Thanks! Just to clarify, are you checking in for day 6 or 7?


cornerofmadness November 9 2017, 02:58:11 UTC
Day 6. Day 7 only had 200 words because yesterday was absolutely horrible


miss_morland November 9 2017, 21:23:35 UTC
Right, I've added you to the tally. Sorry about the bad day. :-(


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