Title: Walking Between Mirrors
miss_m_cricketFandom: Star Trek Reboot/Doom
Pairing: Samantha Grimm!Jim Kirk/Reaper (Not gender bending or swapping. And no incest...sorta)
Challenge: 31 Days of January
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: For
slvrbld747 who asked for Reincarnated Samantha in Jim's body
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Comments 3
Squeeeeeee! I love it. This is so gorgeous. Hahah, of course it's aliens that allow poor John to see Jim's soul, and discover Samantha there.
I love the fact that he thought he was losing his marbles until he got proof that he wasn't, and that it's blowing his mind so badly that he doesn't even consider telling Jim. I mean, how do you say a thing like that?
Thank you so much for this, smiles wide eyes crinkled. ;D -SB
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
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