Fandom: Pokémon
Title: G for Gargoyle
Pairing/Characters: Ash/Misty
Rating: G
Disclaimer/claimer: I don't own Pokémon. I never will. I would be fucking billionaire and not in this situation.
Summary: G: Gargoyle; Pokémon; Ash/Misty (in Pokemon Tower with no fucking floor), for
spanish_silver :)
Status: Complete
They tried to walk around the tower, but every two feet they got, there was something in their way. She walked slower than he did, so whenever she heard the telltale “Oof!” she knew that he had hit an invisible wall and she would just stop before she followed his lead.
“Ash, why don’t we just give up and-“
“No way, Misty! We’re catching that Pokémon!”
“Do you even know which Pokémon you’re trying to catch?”
There was a long pause, and she figured he either ignored or didn’t hear her. So, she tried again. “Do you-“
“, I don’t.”
“Well, then how do you know what you’re looking for?!” she asked incredulously, her hand finding its way to her hip, the other holding onto Togepi while it chirped at its mother’s raise in tone.
Pikachu was perched on Ash’s shoulder, trying to see through the heavy fog within the building. “Pi pika chu,” it groaned softly, still unable to see past the red of Ash’s hat.
“Yeah, I know, buddy.” Learning from his past mistakes, he reached his hands out to feel for the wall instead of walking straight into it. “Remember when we came here before? It was a lot different.”
“Don’t remind me,” Misty said softly. Pausing, she glanced behind her, “Wait a second, where’s Brock? He was here a while ago, wasn’t he?”
“Maybe he saw an illusion of a flock of Nurse Joy’s and ran to investigate but they were really gargoyles,” she said softly, rolling her eyes with a soft laugh. “That’d be lovely blackmail.”
“Maybe he went to do... stuff,” he replied, his voice low. Chuckling at his own joke, he figured that Misty would just roll her eyes at him and forget he was even talking. He couldn’t even see her face so he just figured, since he knew her so well.
Moving her hands around to try and move the thick fog, she said, “Wow, this is horrible. Why are we here again?” Suddenly remembering the meaningless task she followed Ash in here for, she rolled her eyes. “Oh right, to catch an imaginary Pokémon. Go figure.”
“It’s rare, and important!” he replied, a little indignant to her teasing. It was important to him, at least, since he was going to be the best.
“And yet you have no-“ she bumped up against him, almost falling over as he bounced backwards. “Warn me if you run into something, stupid!”
“This doesn’t feel like a wall,” he said. Pikachu made a noise of agreement as its little hands reached out past Ash’s hat. “It’s... pointy. Are we by the stairs? Boy, it would suck if we just fell down the stairs. Do you even remember where we came in?”
“Not a clue. Are you alright?” She was more concerned for his head, which had taken plenty a blow since she had first met him.
“I didn’t run into the point, thank you very much,” he said reaching back with a hand to grope around for her, needing to hold onto her so he wouldn’t lose her, too. “Where are you?”
She reached forward and took his hand in hers. “Here.”
“You know what would suck?” he asked, tugging her in the direction he was headed. They needed to find... whatever it was that they were looking for. If it was a Ghastly or something equally common he was going to be very upset.
“If there was no floor.”
“Oh, definitely. Though... how would there even be any floors to go up to if there weren’t floors to separate them?”
“Dunno. It’d just suck, though.”
“Oh, definitely.”