" Friend of " Removal

Sep 17, 2009 19:36

Could the following people please remove me from their flist?

23sept07, anaispoynter, angel_fanarts, aprilx0x, bellalah, blaie, canuta_black, carmz_supremacy, chibichan91, damnfineemile, demi_jourlove, depp_paradisfan, dtaintedwing, earthfaye, elizzybright, ellaaaah, elyssamorales, empressczarina, estherthomas, falseaidoru, fantasy_caill, fencer_42 ( Read more... )

subject: lj

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Comments 35

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miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 01:13:00 UTC
Yay, that's great!!! Adding you right now. :)


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miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 01:14:52 UTC
Okay, that's great! Adding you. :)


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miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 01:22:32 UTC
Awww, thanks babe! :D


winter_lace September 18 2009, 01:19:11 UTC
I'd love to stay friends with you if that's ok? I like your posts.


miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 01:27:37 UTC
Yeah, that's great! Adding you right now. :)


colourmerainbow September 18 2009, 01:50:50 UTC
i don't mind. i totally understand the privacy thing. but i will definitely keep watching always_winter cos your graphics are awesome. ♥


miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 04:36:27 UTC
Thank you!
Just so I'm sure - you don't want to be friends here?


colourmerainbow September 18 2009, 05:52:42 UTC
yeah. but i promise to comment more on always_winter.


miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 06:09:51 UTC
Okay, thank you hun! :)


lyanna_sakura September 18 2009, 03:12:42 UTC
Hi. I'm friending you for both actually; the graphics and the posts. I like reading your posts. They're very interesting. And your graphics are really brilliant, too. Mind if we stay friends?


miss_kallahan September 18 2009, 04:38:36 UTC
Okay, I'll definitely friend you back!
If you want to keep seeing my graphics, you need to join always_winter. I'm posting them there from now on. :)


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