Awesome! I'm so glad you're continuing this. Now, normally I;m not much of a Sam-girl, however, I'm starting to feel a little for him here. The idea that things were set in motion... it's a little uneasy.
Also, this line
Dean had been kind of settling into this Christmas thing like a psych patient at a cocktail party,
Thanks! Glad you like it :) I see SPN has trained a more-than-healthy dose of suspicion into you since you STILL won't trust Zoe ;) Oh, how the show has turned us all into 'shoot first, ask questions later' types... he he
Squee! Yay, sequels. I love all of your writing so much, and you write Destiel so well. I love how Dean is fighting domestication, but is still all sweet for Cas. And I really like Zoe... Dean should tell her the truth about Cas. It would be funny to see her face.
YES! THIS! Loved this fic and can't wait for more. You're an amazing writer.
And I always think that in the Dean/Cas genre of curtain!fic, the brothers will have to go their separate ways eventually, not losing their closeness but gaining their independence.
Thank you so much, dear! And I was quite fond of that line myself, just because it's how I feel the first day below 70 degrees hits.
I agree... much as we love seeing the brothers together, they have been up in each other's business to unhealthy degrees all their lives. About time to get some space.
I love you! I loved the fic and now I love your sequel. Can't wait for more. My heart just skipped a beat when I saw your name in connection with Dean/Cas~ uweeee~ They're so cuuute*____*
Comments 43
Can't wait for more.
Also, this line
Dean had been kind of settling into this Christmas thing like a psych patient at a cocktail party,
is absolutely fantastic! Great job :)
Dean's an old dog trying to learn new tricks, that's for sure, but at least he's trying! Sexy ex-angel probably helps.
Can't you just imagine Zoe's face on that one? ;)
YES! THIS! Loved this fic and can't wait for more. You're an amazing writer.
And I always think that in the Dean/Cas genre of curtain!fic, the brothers will have to go their separate ways eventually, not losing their closeness but gaining their independence.
I agree... much as we love seeing the brothers together, they have been up in each other's business to unhealthy degrees all their lives. About time to get some space.
I love you! I loved the fic and now I love your sequel. Can't wait for more. My heart just skipped a beat when I saw your name in connection with Dean/Cas~ uweeee~ They're so cuuute*____*
I agree completely... Dean/Cas are ADORABLE.
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