Title: Mine Alone [1/2]
Author: miss2l
Pairing(s): YeHyuk, ninja!EunHae
Rating: R
Warning: Umm… Sort of there but not really smut? I don’t know what to call it really.
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut, Drama, implied Angst
Disclaimer: I really wish I owned them. But unfortunately, I don’t.
Summary: They take from each other, selfishly. They gain something
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Comments 4
i like your story, hehe.
and i have added as a friend, add me back soon okay?
yup, i added you back.
what kind of relationship between hyuk-hae? hae is hyuk's EX? why do they have to hide their relationship? somehow yesung is so insecure. *hugs baby sungie* i smell something fishy~ it's that why u make it two-shot? update the 2nd part now~!!!
and for the smut... i can't comment, so kinky >///< marking him all over the places, gosh.. leann, u got this kinky side, huh? almost all of ur fics. seriously, how old are u? :D
NOO! >.< UNNIE I WON'T TELL!! That's the point of the two shot :P
And I'm only 16, Unnie. I'm just... very perverted for my age. I had to do something to make me happy :P or make it... better for my distorted imagination XD
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