DSRK Fan Book Profile [NARUMI]

Jul 04, 2009 21:47



Gender: Male
Birth date: 1898
Age: 32 years old
Status: unmarried
Occupation: Chief of Narumi Detective Agency
Blood type: B
Height: 180cm
Weight: 68kg
Type: Women with long hair
Favourite Food: coffee and hayashi rice
Residence: Narumi Detective Agency in Yarai-ku

He has the name "Shouhei Narumi" in the US version.


In the past he worked as a spy for the The National Army.

立場は違うものの, ライドウと同様に[特別な存在]だった鳴海は, 国や同胞のために何かができると信じていた.
While different positions, Narumi who is a "unique existence" like Raidou, believed he can do something for his country and fellow countrymen.

しかし, その素朴信念は, 権力者の損得勘定で動かされてしまう世界の無情なる巨大さ, 自身の無力さに潰える.
(shikashi, sono soboku shinnen, kenryokusha no sontokukanjou de ugokasareteshimau sekai no mujyou ni naru kyodaisa, jishin no muryokusa ni tsuieru)
However with that naive belief, seeing the heartlessness of the world driven by those in power, he collapsed under his own powerlessness.

その後, 空しさに軍を退役, ヤタガラスに拾われ, 葛葉のデビルサマナーの拠点となる探偵社を開く.
Later, he retired from the army in emptiness, met Yatagarasu, and opened up the Detective Agency which is to be the Devil Summoner's base.

が, それはデビルサマナーの監視という役目をも兼ねるものだった.
But, he also has a double role of monitoring the Devil Summoner.

超越した能力を持つデビルサマナーは国家の守り手として欠かすことの出来ぬ存在ではあるものの, 修行に明け暮れ世の中を知らぬ若者は, 社会の暗黒面に囚われ, ダークサマナーに堕ちる者も少なくない.
A Devil Summoner, with transcended abilities, their existence is indispensable for the defence of the nation, for a young person who is devoted to training and does not know society, if they were to become trapped in the dark side of society, ones to fall to become Dark Summoners are not few.

Judgements of good and evil that are misread are monitored.

だが, その善悪の基準は, ヤタガラスの思想に根ざした, 恣意的なものだ.
However, the standards of good and evil is rooted in the ideaology of Yatagarasu, it's arbitrary.

鳴海は, ヤタガラスの思想を快く思ってはいない.
Narumi, does not take kindly to the ideas of Yatagarasu.

それは, かつて矢望した原因である世界を操る存在そのものでもあるからだ.
(untranslateable: かつて矢望した原因である)
That is because, it is an existence that manipulated the world.

それでも鳴海が, そうした役回りを受け入れたのは, ライドウにかつての自分を見たためだ.
Even so Narumi is accepting such an unpleasant duty because he sees his former self in Raidou.

鳴海にとって, ライドウは, 再びめぐってきた情熱だった.
To Narumi, Raidou sparked his enthusiasm again.


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キャメルの三つ揃えにダービーハット, 靴から腕時計まで, 全て特注品である.
They are all custom-made items from the derby hat and the shoes to the watch.

それは単に着道楽というわけではなく, 機能を追究した結果である.
This is not simply having a weakness for fine clothes, but rather as a result for investigations to function.

[CAPTION] page 3
人知れず捜査を行なうために音を立てず, 動き易く, かつ細身であることが要求される.
It is a requirement to be slender, for easy movement, to secretly perform investigations quietly and without being seen.

High class appearance and legwork amounts to an important feature.

大げさなは表情は, 社会の暗部に触れてきた心の傷を隠すための仮面か.
The exaggerated facial expressions, may be a mask to hide the emotional scars of being exposed to the dark side of society.

(kokoro wo kouritsukaseta mitte jidai no handou ni yoru mono ka)
Or maybe reactions frozen in the heart from his spy years.

時見られる鋭い視線に, 鳴海の中に眠る凄みが表れる.
A fierceness sleeps in the sharp gaze of Narumi.

牙を隠した豹のような笑顔は, 筑土町の人々を魅了する.
His smile, like a leopard/panther hiding it's fangs, charms the people of Tsukudo-cho.

The derby hat he never fails to wear when going out.

Few people know the past hidden beneath the hat.

鳴海自身も, それを語ろうとはしない.
Narumi himself will not say.

There are horrific, unforgettable memories.

いずれ, その物語が明かされることもあろう.
Sooner or later, the story might be revealed.

厳しい修行ばかりだったライドウからすれば, ユルめの鳴海のやり方は居心地がいいよですが, かつてのスゴ腕の密偵時代の実力が見たいものです.
(kibishii shugyou bakari datta raidou kara sureba, yurumeno narumi no yarigata wa igokochi ga ii desu ga, katsute no sugo ude no mitte jidai no jitsuryoku ga mitaimono desu.)
Raidou, whose endured only harsh training...CANNOT COMPUTE. I GIVE UP
From the point of view of Raidou, who had only ever known relentless training and discipline, Narumi's easygoing ways seem like a luxury. He does however, want to see the formidable skills of the ex-spy.
(Thank you lanithro for the help with this sentence!)

[ウチは変わったの専門]と言っているが, これは仕事を断るための常套手段で, 実際は人捜しなどもやっている.
Having said, "we only take special cases", this is the conventional way to turn down a job, they actually also find missing people.

shouhei narumi, scans, dsrkvssa fan book, ds : raidou kuzunoha

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