I posted the first part a week or so ago. This is the story in its entirety and rarely have I ever titled something so appropriately. Rodney's arc -- and this is really only part of it -- is half as long as the original story.
Qui Habitat:
webpage |
LJ tag note: Reading any of Qui Habitat is not required for comprehension of this story. Heck, it might be better if you haven't.
Art Is Long (complete)
Life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting, experimenting dangerous, reasoning difficult. -- Hippocrates
data: 21000 words; genfic
summary: Being the most brilliant man in two galaxies can't keep you from losing what's most important.
This is still
seperis's fault, since she, like
pentapus, has the power to go "heyyyyy!" and get twenty thousand words out of me as a result.
ileliberte was spammed the entire thing and
sevenall returned from injured reserve to parse, so they get both thanks and exculpation from any lingering errors.
ETA: Story spoilers in comments, so caveat lector.