Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 14, 2012 23:32

Dear Yuletide Writer,

First of all, thank you for volunteering to write in one of these fandoms -- you rock! I'm writing this in case you are like me and would like to have some indications as to your recipient's likes and interests, but if you already have an idea of your own, then go for it. I'd like you to have as much fun and as little stress as possible (and on that note, I want to add that shortfic is more than okay).

In general, and especially when it comes to these small fandoms, I like fic that expands upon canon or show different sides of it. Backstory, missing scenes, codas, POV of characters whose thoughts we never get to witness in canon, exploration of relationship dynamics (romantic/sexual or otherwise), stories that provide new explanations as to characters' behaviour -- I love it all. Plot is great if you enjoy writing it, but no must for me.

I've tried specifying likes/dislikes under each fandom, but I should say that I'd rather not receive an AU of the "everyone is a barista/cowboy/alien" sort: for these fandoms, I'd like something firmly rooted in the canon world. An AU that diverges from canon on one specific point, however, is totally fine if that's what you want to write. Stories with sex are fine; stories without sex are fine -- I trust you to decide whether a sex scene would fit the story you want to tell. I don't mind Christmas-/holiday-themed stories, if that's where inspiration takes you.

Affinity -- Sarah Waters (Ruth, Selina)

I love this book for its atmosphere, its suspense, its characters. I've always been intrigued by the Ruth/Selina relationship, and I'd absolutely love to see it explored in fic. Post-canon (in Italy, or several years down the road), during Selina's imprisonment (maybe epistolary fic?), during the beginnings of their relationship... Any setting would be great. Please no fluff; I'd like something that matches the darkness of the canon, if you're comfortable with that. Also, please don't make Selina the innocent victim of Ruth's wiles: as far as I can see, they're both manipulative individuals, and Selina is responsible for her own actions. She may or may not have had feelings for Margaret -- I like the ambiguity of this -- but not enough to refrain from doing what she did. Whether she regrets that or not is up to you. I just want to know more about her, and Ruth, and that twisted, passionate relationship that they have.

Bröderna Lejonhjärta | The Brothers Lionheart -- Astrid Lindgren (any)

A staple of my childhood! Seriously, anything based on this book, with any of the nominated characters,  would make me happy. If you want to write other characters than the ones nominated, that's awesome too!  I really can't think of anything or anyone from this book I wouldn't want to read fic about. The story could be set in Nangilima, or in Nangijala before Karl's arrival, or a mising scene from the fight against Tengil. Or it could be from the POV of another character than Karl (1st person narration or 3rd, that's up to you) -- or something else I haven't thought of.

Gen, het, slash or femmeslash (if you want to pair Sofia with some lucky lady) -- it's all good, just please make sure everyone is old enough to consent. I'm normally not a fan of incest, but if you want to go there with Karl and Jonatan, I think that could absolutely be made plausible.

If writing the story in Swedish (or in Danish or Norwegian) is an option, that's something I'd love.

Emily of New Moon -- L.M. Montgomery (any)

Most of the Emily fic seems to focus on Emily herself and her peers. Nothing wrong with that! But I'd also like to know more about the older Murrays (and Priests). Here I've tried describing briefly what intrigues me about each of the nominated characters, as well as suggesting scenarios I think could be interesting. (As said above, please feel free to ignore if you have an idea of your own!)

But first, a confession: I never read the third Emily novel as a kid, because it wasn't published where I'm from, and, well, I haven't got around to it as an adult. Therefore, while I'm spoilt as to the main stuff that happens, I'd  prefer the story not to hinge on elements from that book. (Of course, it's always possible that something I've asked for here -- such as the story of Laura and Allan's relationship -- is actually revealed there, in which case feel free to ignore me. *g*)

Elizabeth Murray: Aunt Elizabeth has always been my favourite character, I think. She's stern and not always fair, but there's just something about her I love -- some sense that deep down, there's a lingering insecurity, and that's why she's clinging so fiercely to her authority and her traditions. I'd love to read a story exploring her relationship with her father, or with Aunt Nancy (is there a specific reason as to their animosity, apart from their obvious differences?), or with her siblings, particularly Laura. Or... Did Elizabeth ever fall in love? Did the person love her back? (I'm totally open to the possibility of gay!Elizabeth.)

Laura Murray: I'll admit to being hopelessly intrigued by the tantalising hints canon offers of the earlier (possible) relationship between Aunt Laura and Dr. Burnley. Tell me the story of their affair (or lack thereof)! If that doesn't appeal to you, then something dealing with Laura's thoughts about her life, or her relationship with her siblings (particularly with Elizabeth) would be lovely to read.

Nancy Priest: As mentioned above, I'd love to see more of the tensions between Aunt Nancy and Aunt Elizabeth. Or between Aunt Nancy and Dean (see below). Or, you know, Nancy/Caroline femmeslash would not be a bad thing! Basically, I enjoy Nancy's scenes a lot and I just want more of her. *g*

Dean Priest: First of all I should say that while Dean creeps me out, he's a very interesting character and I do have compassion with him. His obsession with Emily from the moment he meets her is pretty twisted, and I'm not one of the people who wish she'd ended up with him instead of Teddy (yes, I know this is what happens in the third book). But seeing as I'm not opposed to reading about creepy and twisted things, I'd love a story from Dean's POV set during Emily's childhood. Perhaps Aunt Nancy (or Caroline) has noticed his interest in the girl during her first visit at Priest Pond and calls him out on it -- or at least drops some heavy hints? How much do people gossip, and does it bother him at all? How does his old friendship with Douglas Starr fit into things?

[ETA: Rereading this, I realise how the bit about Emily is more detailed than the others might make it seem as if I really only want that fandom and not the others. That is not the case! The level of detail in the third request simply stems from the fact that I've already read fic in this fandom without coming across much about the characters in question, and so I've tried to suggest a few things as well as make clear why they are interesting to me. Please believe me when I say that receiving a story in any of these three fandoms would make me very, very happy!]

Well, dear writer, that's all I can think of right now. Hope this was of some help! Happy Yuletide!

Miss M.

l.m. montgomery, astrid lindgren, yuletide, sarah waters

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