I'm working on a beast of a fic right now. It's really, really difficult, and I have no idea whether it will ever be fit for posting. It features, among other things, Dark Lord!Grindelwald, because I find him very fun to write. I also happen to find him very sexy. Someone help me, please.
But anyway.
trubbleclef had a fun meme on her journal. It goes like this:
The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble (or art) from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you're willing to write for.
Since I like playing by the rules, and since I already requested a drabble, I hereby post this myself. I sincerely doubt that fifteen people will comment, but it could still be fun, right? If anyone wants to request more than one drabble, they are welcome to do so. And yeah - if you're not on my friends list, or even if we haven't talked before, don't let that stop you from make a request, if you want to:-)
(This is a bit scary, by the way - if no one comments, I am going to feel like such a loser!)
Oh, and fandoms: I've only written in HP so far, so I think we'll keep it to that, for the time being.
EDIT: You don't have to post this meme yourself if you don't want to - I'll still take your drabble wishes:-)