I Am No Angel Chapter 12 Part 2 FINAL

Oct 19, 2011 22:07

Title: I Am No Angel
Author: Miss Meh
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, Adam/Michael
Rating: NC-17 for swearing and explicit sex
Warnings: AU, copious amounts of fluff and sexual innuendo, fusion with Beauty and the Beast
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 8,983
Status: Complete
Summary: His wings always seemed to be the problem, Castiel figured. But when he and his family move to Sioux Falls and he meets a Beast locked away in a castle, could his wings be the solution?


God damn it, Dean, Sam cursed mentally as he tried to figure out just where his brother had taken off to after he and the angel had gotten into it, less than an hour into their fucking marriage.  Seriously, Sam thought caustically.  Only Dean would be able to pull off something like that.  That has to be some kind of record. 
Sam stopped and listened, hoping that perhaps his brother was close enough that he might be able to hear him walking or beating the shit out of a tree or something.

Unfortunately for him, the forest was quiet.

Of course Dean wouldn’t still be nearby.  That would be way too convenient.

Sam shook his head and continued galumphing through the trees.  Where would Dean go?  Sam supposed that Dean could have gone back to the castle, but for some reason, he didn’t think that was right.  He really had no idea why, but he had learned in his days as a Hunter that sometimes you just had to go with your gut.  Sam sighed in frustration.  So if the castle was out…

That’s it!  Sam’s head snapped up and he started running.  He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t thought of it before.  Nearly two hundred years ago when Sam and his brothers had been children, Dean had gone out into the woods one day, picked a tree, and designated it his ‘secret fort’.  Of course, everybody from John Winchester down to the lowest of their servants knew exactly where Dean’s fort was, but Dean had always ignored that fact.  Dean even had rules for his fort, although the only one that was widely known was ‘No brothers allowed’.

Well, this would have to be the one time Sam broke that oh-so-sacred rule.  He was sure that his brother had gone to the secret fort-even if there probably wasn’t much left of it that was recognizable after all these years-and like hell was he going to leave his brother alone when Dean had just had his first fight with his new husband.

When he arrived at the place where Dean’s secret fort had once been, he immediately wished that he had never remembered where the stupid tree was.  Dean was there, all right, but he wasn’t turning his knuckles into pulp on the tree’s bark or even curled up into a ball, sobbing into the tree’s roots, as Sam had half-feared he would be.  No, the reality of the situation was much, much worse.

Dean was facing the tree, one arm extended, palm out, bracing himself against the tree.  His pants were pulled down a bit and, although Dean’s shirt tails were covering any of the exposed bits that Sam might have been able to see from where he was standing, he could see that Dean’s hand was moving in a very obvious and telling motion.

Dean let out a groan, his hand pumping faster for a second before something white-

“Oh my god!” Sam yelped, spinning around and slapping his hands over his eyes.

“What the fuck, Sammy?!?” Dean yelled.

Sam could hear his brother trying to tidy himself up, but in his mind, it was a bit too late for that.  His brain was completely frozen in horror.  One thing kept circling in his mind and he wasn’t able to prevent himself from blurting it out.  “Good god, why, Dean?” he moaned, rocking his body a bit in an attempt to drive the image from his head.

“What d’you mean, ‘why’?” Dean asked harshly.  “I’m not doing anything wrong.  You’re the one who came looking for me.”

Unthinkingly, Sam turned back around and was relieved to note that Dean had managed to get his clothes back in some semblance of order while Sam’s eyes had been closed.  “I was worried about you, asshole!” Sam shouted.  “You and Cas just got married and you’re already at each other’s throats.  I thought you would be at least a little bit upset about it.  But no.  I come out here to find you out of the goodness of my heart just so that I can be treated to the sight of you jerking off and then I get yelled at for my trouble.”  Sam huffed.  “Thanks, dude.  Thanks a lot.”

Dean crossed his arms defensively.  “I know Cas better than anyone.  We aren’t at each other’s throats and he’s definitely not pissed at me over that stupid dance if that’s what’s going through that freakishly large head of yours.”  Dean sighed and looked down at his feet, scuffing one of his shoes through the dirt.  “Cas is afraid of sex, okay?  He was just looking for an excuse to get away from everyone and clear his head, and I just happened to be the lucky son of a bitch who provided one.  Cas’s been avoiding the issue, so he just needs to get his fucking head straightened out and we’ll be fine.”  Dean sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than his brother.

Sam just gaped at him.  This was all about sex?  Seriously?

“I just…” Dean continued.  “I know Cas is gonna come find me soon, once he figures everything out, and I just figured I’d better…”  He closed his fist and made a jerking motion with his hand.  “…you know, so that I don’t come the minute he…”

Sam cut him off.  “Jesus Christ, Dean!” he shrieked.  “I don’t want to hear that shit.”

Dean opened his mouth to say something that was probably going to make Sam want to… well, he couldn’t think of anything that would be physically damaging enough to match the wound Dean had just inflicted to his psyche.  Before Dean could say even one word, however, a strange gust of wind blew through the trees above them, followed by the sound of flapping wings and a wind-swept Castiel coming to a shaky landing behind Sam.

Sam spun around and was almost unable to repress a shiver at the look he saw in the angel’s eyes.  Castiel’s blue eyes were supremely focused and even though none of that concentration was resting on him, Sam still found just witnessing it a bit unnerving.  “Dean.”  Castiel’s voice was deeper than usual and he had a tone of command that was usually absent.

Sam didn’t realize that Dean was moving until his brother stepped past him and into the angel’s arms.  Dean put one hand on Cas’s face and tilted it toward him.  “Feeling better now?” he asked tenderly.  Sam looked away, sure that he wasn’t supposed to be witnessing this moment between Dean and Castiel.

“Yes, Dean, I have mentally prepared myself.  I am ready for sexual congress.”  Sam’s eye twitched as the words ‘sexual congress’ escaped the Castiel’s lips.  What had he done to deserve this?  Sam looked back a moment later, just in time to see the angel wrap his arms firmly around Dean and then Cas’s wings were snapping out and, with seemingly little effort, Castiel was taking off into the sky.

Castiel was once again buzzing with nervous anticipation.  He had been so sure of himself when he had carried Dean away from Sam.  His talk with Gabriel had dispelled some of the tension and apprehension he had been feeling, but it had been what felt like a considerable amount of time since then and Castiel could feel the anxiety clouding his senses once more.

Castiel’s lips were on Dean’s the moment he landed them safely in their new bedroom.  This, at least, was something he could do without fear.  The angel and his lover had practiced kissing extensively in the time since the curse had been broken and, based on Dean’s reactions to it, Castiel had concluded that this was one aspect of sex that his inexperience could not get in the way of.  Castiel poured himself into the kiss with single-minded determination and was gratified when he felt Dean respond automatically.  Dean rolled his lover’s bottom lip between his teeth and when the angel’s lips parted in a gasp, slipped his tongue in to press against Castiel’s.

Castiel moaned, feeling himself harden as Dean took control of the kiss and ground his erection against the angel.  Dean started guiding Castiel back toward the bed, stripping them of their clothing as they went.  The angel was too lost in the sensations to panic, but when he felt the backs of his (now bare) legs hit the bed, he pulled his lips from Dean’s.

Castiel’s eyes widened in anxiety and he froze as Dean attempted to push him back onto the bed.  “Dean,” he gasped.

When Dean opened his eyes and noticed the expression on Castiel’s face, he stopped his advances immediately.  “Cas…”  He seemed to be at a loss for words.

The angel saw the confusion on his lover’s face, but it was the self-blame-as though Dean thought that he had hurt Castiel-that somehow quelled Castiel’s nerves enough that he could speak.  “Dean, it is nothing you have done.  It is simply…  You are aware that I have never done this before and as this is the case, I have never had occasion to see a human body outside of my anatomy texts.  If I may familiarize myself with your form before we proceed…” Castiel trailed off, unsure how to ask Dean exactly what he needed to ask.

Dean smiled in relief.  “Of course, Cas.”  He put his hands on Castiel’s arms and reversed their positions so that the angel was now facing the bed.  Leaning forward, Dean placed a chaste kiss on Castiel’s lips before lying down on the bed and moving back until his head was on the pillows.  Castiel was unable to suppress a shudder at the sight of a naked Dean spread out on their bed before him.  The lust and love and possessiveness it engendered-his human, his Dean-startled him.  Castiel stared at Dean and wondered why this situation called forth such emotions when the other time he had seen Dean in such a state, it had not.

“Cas.”  Dean looked at him worriedly and propped himself up on his elbows.  “You okay?”

Castiel nodded and looked at Dean hungrily for only a moment longer before crawling onto the bed beside his lover.  He settled on his knees by Dean’s right shoulder, carefully folding his wings into a comfortable position on his back.  His eyes lit with anticipation at the thought of touching Dean, but still he hesitated as he reached a hand toward Dean’s face.  But then his fingers met the softness of his lover’s hair and all of Castiel’s hesitation left him.  The short strands teased his skin, at once so similar and so different from the fur that had once covered Dean’s body.  He moved his hands down to the arc of his human’s brow and down his nose, and then brushed his fingertips over a cheekbone and watched with fascination as Dean closed his eyes and turned his head into the contact.  Finally he traced those perfect lips-the ones that gave Castiel so much pleasure, whether it was a kiss or a smile Dean used them for-with a touch that was barely there.

Dean held his breath as Castiel moved his hands over his jaw (the angel noted that, for once, stubble was not present and could not decide if he was pleased or disappointed) before trailing his fingers down the column of his neck.   Castiel traced the pattern of the anti-possession tattoo on Dean’s upper chest.  Dean arced up when Castiel’s fingertips brushed over one of his nipples, causing the angel to stop moving and tilt his head to the side.  Dean’s reactions to his touch fascinated him.  He touched Dean’s nipple again and gasped when it hardened into a tight peak.

Castiel glanced over at Dean’s face and sat back immediately when he noticed that his lover was breathing harshly as though in pain.  “Dean,” he said.  “Am I causing you pain?”

Dean slowly opened his eyes and the heat Castiel saw there made his blood boil.  “Fuck, Cas, don’t stop,” he panted.  “You’re driving me fucking crazy.”

Castiel’s lips twitched and he leaned forward again to place his hands-both of them this time-back on Dean’s chest.  The nipple he had been touching had softened some and Castiel was unable to keep himself from attempting to make it harden once more.  When it had, he turned his attention to the other, rolling it between his fingers.  Dean cried out this time and if Castiel hadn’t previously been assured that this wasn’t painful for Dean, he would have jerked away from his lover once more.  Castiel took a deep breath and looked into Dean’s barely open eyes as he asked, “Dean, may I taste as well as touch?”  He was slightly nervous as he waited in anticipation for Dean’s answer.  He really wanted to know the taste of his human, but he would resist such urges if they made Dean uncomfortable.

He needn’t have been worried.  His question was barely out before Dean gasped, “Fuck yes, Cas.”

Castiel leaned forward and flicked his tongue over one of Dean’s peaks, relishing the moan it brought out of his lover.  Dean tasted slightly salty, like sweat, but there was also a musky flavor that Castiel was unable to name.  He stayed there for a moment, simply savoring the taste of his human, but soon enough he was curious once more and began trailing his hands down over Dean’s stomach.  He tensed and his muscles trembled under Castiel’s fingers as they moved downward.  Castiel knew what Dean was anticipating.  From his readings, he had learned that the penis was the central stimulation point on the male body.  He also knew from his recent attempts at self-stimulation, that the simplest of touches could induce orgasm.  Since sex required penetration of some sort-and Castiel assumed that, for this first time at least, Dean would be doing the penetrating-for which a state of arousal had to be maintained, Castiel concluded that allowing Dean to ejaculate so soon was probably not the wisest course of action.  And so, he lingered on Dean’s hips, sucking lightly on one hip bone while caressing the other softly with his fingertips, and then completely bypassed Dean’s erection as he continued his explorations.

Dean growled in complaint when he realized what had happened, but Castiel ignored him.  Instead he extended one of his wings so that he could brush his feathers over the arch of Dean’s foot while one of his hands ran down the inside of Dean’s thigh.  Dean jerked his foot away from Castiel’s touch while simultaneously trying to move his dick toward the angel’s hand.  “You are ticklish,” Castiel observed.

“Cas,” Dean moaned.  “Just fucking touch me already.”

Castiel opened his mouth to point out that he was touching Dean, but stopped when he realized that Dean had meant he wanted Castiel to touch his penis.  He looked down at said organ and then at his own.  They were quite similar with only minor differences and yet, somehow, Castiel thought that Dean’s must be much more aesthetically pleasing than his own.  “You are beautiful, Dean,” he murmured, licking his lips.

Dean groaned.  “God, Cas, I fucking swear if you don’t stop having a fucking staring contest with my dick right the fuck now, I’m gonna…”

Dean’s threat turned into a gasp when Castiel reached out, one finger extended to swipe the small bead of moisture from the slit.  He stared at the droplet on his finger for a moment before lifting his hand to taste it.  Castiel met Dean’s eyes with his own and could see that his pupils were blown wide, swallowing the green.  Dean’s reaction to him sent another rush of blood to his already aching erection and he licked his lips once more, saying huskily, “I like it.”

Dean moved swiftly, pushing Castiel down onto the bed.  The angel shuddered at the care Dean took to pull his wings out into a comfortable position and that gesture more than anything made him ready for more.  Castiel parted his legs easily when Dean pulled at his knees and moved between them.  Dean leaned over and grabbed the jar of lubrication from the bedside table, setting it between his knees to keep it from tipping over.  Castiel tipped his head forward to watch as Dean dipped his fingers into the container and then reached forward to press them against his hole.

Castiel’s muscles tightened instinctively and Dean’s attempts to push into him did not make much progress.  “Cas, you gotta relax for me.”  He tried again with no success.  “Please, Cas.”

Castiel forced his muscles to loosen and Dean’s finger quickly slipped into him.  Dean pushed his finger in and out of Castiel a few times before adding a second one.  Castiel squirmed a bit at the sensation.  The feeling of Dean’s fingers inside of him wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but it wasn’t completely pleasurable either.  Dean pressed the fingers deeper into Castiel.  He seemed to search around for a moment before he touched something that caused Castiel’s back to arch and his hands to clutch at the sheets.  Dean pulled out a bit and scissored his fingers to stretch Castiel a bit wider before thrusting back in with three.

Castiel was trembling with anticipation by the time Dean finally finished preparing him and pulled all the way out.  He watched with half-lidded eyes as Dean scooped some more of the lubricant out of the jar before placing it back on the table.  Dean took hold of his erection in one hand and pumped his fist a few times to properly lubricate it.  And then, he was over Castiel.  The angel gasped as he felt Dean’s penis nudge at his entrance and Dean pushed slowly forward until the head breached the tight ring of muscle.  Castiel whimpered but didn’t protest when Dean pressed forward, moving at a deliberately unhurried pace until he was completely sheathed inside of Castiel.

Dean held himself still for a moment while Castiel adjusted to the feeling of them being joined and the angel couldn’t help but be grateful for it.  The experience was… overwhelming, to say the least.  His human was inside of him.  The thought made him groan and buck his hips.

Castiel’s movement drew a stunned gasp from his lover and then Dean was moving over him and in him and he was swept away in a flurry of sensations.  It seemed that all he could do was hold on for the ride as Dean pushed into him over and over.  Castiel’s back arched and he cried out as Dean changed the angle slightly so that he was hitting that spot inside of him with every thrust.  Castiel knew that he was moments away from coming and, desiring to link them emotionally as well as physically, he trailed his hand up Dean’s back from hip to shoulder before slotting his fingers into the handprint.

The world exploded around Castiel as their souls became one and when he resurfaced moments later, he felt warm and sated, wrapped up in his human’s arms.  Somehow, Dean had maneuvered them so that Castiel was draped over his chest, his ear pressed right over Dean’s heart.  The angel listened to Dean’s heartbeat as he waited for his breathing to calm and then lifted his head to look at Dean.  His lover gave him a sleepy smile and his voice was hoarse as he said, “Fuck, Cas, that was amazing.”  Dean pressed a kiss into Castiel’s hair.  “God, I love you so much.”

Castiel smiled and tucked his face back into Dean’s chest.  “I love you too, Dean,” he murmured.  Castiel kissed the spot over Dean’s heart and they drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

............................................................................................Adam woke up the next morning and was upset when he discovered that Michael was no longer in bed with him.  He had gotten used to having the warmth of another body next to him when he woke up and he really didn’t like waking up to find it gone.

Adam sighed and rolled onto his back, throwing one of his arms up over his eyes in an attempt to block out the sun that was now streaming through the windows.  How could it be that he had gotten so used to sleeping with someone else so quickly?  They had only been sharing a bed (in an unfortunately non-sexual way) for about three weeks now and already, Adam was sure that he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep without Michael’s comforting warmth surrounding him.

He chuckled a little bit.  Adam would have never guessed that this would happen to him someday.  Here he was, one hundred and sixty-eight years old and falling in love for the first time with a hardened ex-soldier of all people.  Life was fucking surreal some days.

Adam wondered what he and his brothers had done to deserve having their lives turned into a god damned fairytale.  It hadn’t been so completely obvious to him while it was all happening, but now that things were slowing down and turning into ‘happily ever fucking after’, he had to admit that he was seeing the commonalities between their situation and those Sam had read to him when he was still young enough for bedtime stories.  And then there were those other types of fairytales…

Adam felt his dick harden and sighed again.  The book he had found in his dad’s study had been filled with fairytales, but there hadn’t been any similarities between them and the ones he had heard as a child.  Well, aside from a few plot points that is.  It was the only book he had ever seen of its kind but even though it had been years since he had seen it, the thought of the pictures…

Adam shook his head.  There was no point to having these thoughts when he was sure that the minute he tried to do something about them, someone-Oh god, please, not Michael!-would burst into the room to tell him that breakfast was ready or that there was some fucking emergency that couldn’t wait the five minutes it would take him to…

Getting up now! Adam ordered himself urgently, forcing himself to get out of bed and away from his lascivious thoughts.  He went through his morning routine, making sure to douse himself in cold water to get his body on the same track as his mind.  Adam shuddered as his erection painfully deflated before drying himself off and getting dressed.

Adam made his way down to the dining room, even though he was sure that he would end up eating breakfast alone, but to his surprise, everyone was waiting for him.  Dean and Castiel were looking deliriously happy together, their heads bent towards one another and their fingers twined together on the table.  Gabriel was trying to put the parts of his meal that he didn’t like on Sam’s plate and Sam was giving him a lecture on healthy breakfast habits.  When Adam looked closer though, he could see that Gabriel had one leg hooked around Sam’s under the table.  Even Bobby was looking both happy and amused as he watched the couples while he ate his breakfast.

Then Adam saw Michael smile at him and he couldn’t help thinking that he didn’t mind if his life turned out to be a fairytale, as long as it was a dirty one.

Chapter Twelve Part One |  Masterpost |  Putting On A Show
A/N:  Okay, so that’s done. It’s finished BUT I will be writing more in this ‘verse.  I will most likely be posting them as separate stories, so be on the lookout for those.  I’m not making any promises but I do have a list of stories that will take place in this ‘verse including: a Adam/Michael one-shot about their first time, a prequel about how Sam/Gabriel got together (thank you tmmdeathwishraven for the idea), as well as a Bobby-centric story about how he gets grandchildren (haven’t quite figured that one out yet).  If you have any requests for other stories in this ‘verse, please let me know and I will try to write it (if I feel that I can write it reasonably in character that is).

In other news, I am also considering making a podfic for I Am No Angel.  If you guys can give me feedback on whether I should or shouldn’t do so, it would be greatly appreciated.

As for what I’m planning on doing next, well, I will be finishing my Mysterious Ways ‘Verse eventually and I have a new fic in the works for SPN (Dean/Cas, of course) as well as one for Star Trek XI (because Kirk and Spock are made for each other in any universe), so if any of you are interested in reading those, I’ll have the first chapters up as soon as I write them.

Goodbye for now, everyone!  I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. XD

pairing: dean/castiel, verse: i am no angel, pairing: sam/gabriel, pairing: adam/michael, story: i am no angel, fandom: supernatural

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