Title: Wild by Skye
Spoilers: Pilot
Summary: Back on the road with his brother after the Stanford fire, Sam notices that there's something different about Dean, and he's determined to figure out what it is.
Disclaimer: None of it's mine. I'm just a sad little fangirl that spends her days writing fanfic and watching DVDs of her favorite shows :(
Part One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight |
Nine |
Ten |
Eleven |
Twelve |
Thirteen |
Fourteen |
Fifteen |
Sixteen |
Seventeen |
Eighteen |
Nineteen |
Twenty |
Twenty-One |
Twenty-Two |
Twenty-Three |
Twenty-Four |
Twenty-Five |
Twenty-Six |
Twenty-Seven There is fan art for this fic. View it at the
fan art masterpost.