
Aug 05, 2010 15:39

Alright, at the insistence of athaena, I'm back in the game. I'm pretty bad at this aren't I?

Here's the past few days:

Day 09 - A photo you took )

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Comments 2

athaena August 5 2010, 21:43:51 UTC
Yay photos!

Thalia did a good job taking that picture. And I hadn't seen the last one before, despite being on FB, because FB seems to mysteriously HIDE random posts from people from my feed from time to time. Yet another reason LJ may well be superior (apart from the whole not everyone being on it thing).

And yay for insistence and the glided badger poking spoon! ;-)


misplacedmind August 10 2010, 03:22:37 UTC
She's taken several rather decent photos of me. I wish she could find the power cord, etc for the digital camera Julia got her for her birthday... or Christmas... (or whatever.) She really should have a camera of her own with which to keep practicing.


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