The Next Great Adventure: Prologue

Sep 09, 2006 21:10

Oh, this was fun.

Title: The Next Great Adventure: Prologue 
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: St. John
Prompt: 052. Die.
Word Count: 323
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s not how he expected it to be.
Author's Notes: It’s a humour fic! *grins madly* It gets slashy very soon, promise. Hope you like it.
Cross Posted:

The Next Great Adventure: Prologue

It’s not how he expected it to be.

Oh. Oh. How lame is that? Walking cliché, anyone?!

John would laugh.

If he wasn’t fucking dead.

He would’ve thought (if, that is, he had thought about it prior to his untimely demise) that his destination would be, frankly…hotter.

More fire and brimstone.


Fluffy clouds. Fluffy kittens (oh, you’re confused?). Fluffy…


And, so far, he’d just been sitting here. Soaking in all the...fluffy.

Oh, and musing on the incident itself. That was always fun if he was in the mood for some light TORTURE.

It couldn’t have been something exciting, or dramatic, or even meaningful. No, not for John - the world, after all, had to have one last laugh before saying goodbye to him forever.

I mean - a penguin.

Just innocently minding his own business in Antarctica-

Oh, ok, so ‘his own business’ was not so much innocent, as ever so slightly illegal, but that’s not really the point, now, is it?

Anyway, there he was, just waiting for Mystique to be done with her part in the latest Brotherhood scheme, freezing his ass off on the edge of a glacier-

Yes, yes, not the smartest place ever, but really, who could have predicted a huge Emperor Penguin coming sliding towards him at full speed down a practically vertical slope?

It’s not something that happens every day, in any case.

The next thing he remembers, everything was fading round the edges and the next moment (well, it seemed like the next moment, but, for all he knows, it could have been millennia) he was waking up amidst all the aforementioned fluff.

And this is where he’d been for the last few hours (he thinks it’s hours, at least).

Just as John began to contemplate getting up and searching for something that wasn’t fluffy, he felt himself start to sink.

“Hey - what - oh, shi-“

These were John’s last words, before everything slowly darkened again...

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