Pro-pregnancy post.

Mar 23, 2011 22:00

I realize I don't say much about my pregnancy lately, especially now that I'm getting down to the wire (soon to be 37 weeks on Saturday!), but it doesn't mean I don't have thoughts on it. Oh boy, do I have thoughts ( Read more... )

week 36

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Comments 7

fadedelegance March 24 2011, 05:11:40 UTC
That was really moving. Seriously. I can tell from that that you have SUCH a big heart. How can you think you won't be a good mom?

Though parenthood isn't for me (I wouldn't wish my mental illnesses on my worst enemy let alone an innocent child--same goes for the birth defects my anti-depressants can cause), I do care about people. I truly believe that every child deserves to be loved and wanted, the way my siblings and I were.

I can just tell your baby will have that. He is so lucky. ♥

And he's a baby #1, like I was! 8D


misora March 24 2011, 05:27:12 UTC
I think every new mom worries that they won't be a good mom. Not necessarily because of anything in particular; I think just because parenting is such a huge, demanding role in one's life. As it should be.

The one thing I don't doubt is that my baby will know he's loved. He may not be a perfect little angel, but there's nothing wrong with loving someone imperfect. We all are, anyway.

Thank you for saying he will be lucky! :)


fadedelegance March 24 2011, 05:46:19 UTC
The one thing I don't doubt is that my baby will know he's loved.

Definitely--every time he sees you and feels you holding him. ♥

but there's nothing wrong with loving someone imperfect. We all are, anyway.

Very true--I have a shit ton of emotional issues, but I'm grateful that my parents love me.

Thank you for saying he will be lucky! :)

Well, it's true! ♥


fay_yasha March 24 2011, 05:32:17 UTC
You and John will be wonderful parents, but like any new parents you may make a mistake here and there but thats the thing about parenting you really learn as you go!

My cousin who was preggo with her first and was due late next week, delivered 10 days early on Saturday to a gorgeous baby boy. My cousin is head over heels in love with him and says that everything leading up to the birth is a blur and that she most vividly remembers the moment they placed him on her belly moments after he was born. His father (who is half Korean and the baby got a thick head of dark hair from his daddy!) is just in awe and crazy in love with his new son and has fallen in love with my cousin all over again.

While you may miss your pregnancy when your little bunny arrives, the end result is worth every moment of uncertainty and doubts. But like I said before, you and John are going to be amazing parents!

Can't wait to meet your little guy if you decide to share pics with us once he arrives!


tiddlywinks103 March 24 2011, 06:00:49 UTC
Ok, I don't have kids, but I'm gong to mention what my sister got told by a friend about having my nephew.

She was like you, saying she was worried if she'll be good enough, etc, etc, and the friend said, "You'll be a good a parent because you do worry and you do care about your actions".

I totally agree, in just caring, and worrying, you're already showing how great a parent you'll be and are willing to be. Good luck, hon. :)


celarania March 24 2011, 06:18:58 UTC
I'm going to be as honest as I can be. Delivery is going to hurt no matter how it happens, but you'll still have a baby to love. There are times when you'll make good decisions and there are times when you'll make bad decisions. There are times when your child will hate you and some when he'll love you. That being said, I think that you'll do a good job because you care about being a good parent to your child. I know that he'll mean the world to you, and that's what seems to make the difference.

I know you can be a great mom to him.


darkelf19 April 14 2011, 02:16:45 UTC
Don't worry about washing the baby. A quick spin in the dyer and he'll be set. *kidding!*

Seriously, you'll be great. And the first time he opens his eyes and looks at you with those baby blues, nothing else will matter. *hugs*


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